Chapter Eight : Curious Boy

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11:53 HOURS


   I slammed through the doors of his room and threw the marigold I held in my hand at his face. Thomas stared back at me with shock, taking the flower in his hand, looking down at it and then back up to meet my eyes. He could see how angry I was, but deep down he couldn't see the deep desire I had for him.

The desire I had for his lips on mine.

On my lips.

On my body.

His hands tracing my curves.

Fuck fuck fuck

Fuck this shit.

   "If I see another one of these from you, I'll kill you Thomas." I told him harshly, but he was so struck with confusion that he couldn't answer right away.

   "You don't like it."

   "Stop." I growled at him. "Stop doing this to me."

   "So... you do like it."

   I freeze where I stand, my words caught in my throat and choking me while I wrestled with my thoughts. With my feelings. With my desires. He has no idea how much this hurts me.





   "Oh shit oh shit oh shit." I said under my breath as I ran as fast as I could to the nearest person available.

   "Lee? Hey, whats up?" Gally asked me as I stood in front of him wide eyed.

   This was probably a very stupid idea, but this new Greenie guy liked not listening to anyone apparently. I looked behind me and then back to Gally as he stood over me like a really really super huge statue. Was he always this tall? I don't think so... unless he was. Was he a tall child? Was be born with such badass eyebrows like that? I want eyebrows like his. What was the secret?

   "Lee, you're saying your thoughts out loud again."

Gosh darn it

I have to stop doing that!

   "What's the problem Charlie." I could tell he was starting to get impatient so I just blurted it out.

   "The Greenie is going into the Maze!"

   "HE'S WHAT?!"

Five Minuets Earlier



17:32 HOURS


   I leant my back against the wall right next to the East door, looking up to the sky with a monstrous headache sending a pounding pain through my head. The sun was low enough to tell me that Minho was probably making his way back through the Maze with Ben. Charlie was with Chuck and Thomas because he knew that after one of my episodes I needed some space.

   It took me months to be able to look Joey in the eyes without turning away knowing that I failed. For weeks I spent every day watching over him and he didn't even know I was there because I couldn't find it within myself to go up to him. Not after that night in the Slammer. I told him to let it go, practically everyone did, but deep down he kept persisting. It took me a while, but I finally starting building something back up.

Erratic // Thomas+Female OC & Newt+Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now