Chapter Twenty : Innocents Always Go

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03:42 HOURS


   I wish killing wasn't the only thing I was good at. I wish I could have been good at drawing or singing. But of course it was killing people. What else would it be? But I think the worst part was that in some sick and twisted way, I enjoyed it.

   I stand over the dead corpses of about twenty-one soldiers, each killed in a different way. My scythes were covered in their blood, but that didn't bother me. It's funny that if this was the Right Arm, Janson would be applauding me heavily. But this was his men that I found because I was working as his second hand man.

Ironic, isn't it?

I think it is.

I think it's a beautiful irony.



13:20 HOURS


     I had Charlie attached to my hip as he let out a scream once the lights were completely out. I knew Joey was safe and so was Thomas and Minho and Fry and Winston, but those were the only few people I was able to get a good look at before everything went dark. Everyone was breathing heavily, the smell of dead Greiver and sweat filling the room.

   I turned around to watch as Teresa slowly opened the door, the sharp light making all of us wince. Charlie reached down and took my hand even though he knew I hated it, but I let him do it this time. I don't think he knew he grabbed my hand anyway, it was more of an instinct on his part.

   As a group, we all walked out of the room, Teresa and Chuck out first and Thomas and Minho closing it up behind us. We walked into a hallway that was familiar to me from before the Maze when Thomas still worked for WICKED. He brought me down here only once to give me a tour but then Janson almost caught us and we got locked in a storage closet for an hour. It wasn't a bad hour either.

   Everyone looked around the dank empty hall, the light slowly starting to flicker on one at a time until we could see everything. We all looked to each other, not sure as to where to go so eventually they chose to go right. I knew that was the wrong way. When they weren't looking, I slipped the charcoal out of my pocket, tossing it backwards and out of sight. It made a loud enough sound for everyone to turn around and I turned with them to play along.

"What was that?" Charlie quivered quietly next to me and I looked to him, shrugging my shoulders.

"Let's check it out." Thomas said, walking left now followed by the other Gladers. I knew Thomas would never be able to resist his curiosity.

"God damnit." Charlie said and I patted his head, following as well from the back of the group.

Pipes and gears were nailed across the moldy concrete walls, the boy's looking at it all in fascination. Charlie reached his hand out, running it across the pipes as we walked. Thomas looked back to me for reassurance but it defiantly didn't help to see me on edge the way I was. I couldn't help it, not when WICKED could be waiting around every corner stalking us. I was also freaking Charlie out but to be fair, he's always freaked out.

As we continued down the sketchy hallway, my grip tightening around my blade's handle, a green light illuminated in the distance. We walked forward warily, the silence deafening as our footsteps and heavy breaths were the only things to be heard for miles. We continued walking until we finally made it to a door with a neon green exit sign hanging right above it. We all stared at it in disbelief, some scoffs and eye rolls coming from the group.

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