Chapter Nine : Stung

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13:35 HOURS


   He could stand in front of me as long as he wanted, but he knew he could never break me, or at least, I thought he was smart enough to know that. I had taken beating after beating until I was unable to feel any part of my body. And even though it got harder and harder to do it, I was always able to slowly lift my head back as a way to ask...

'This all you got?'

   I've suffered worse at the hands of someone who should never hurt you, there wasn't much that this man could do to me that hasn't already been done. He was glaring at me, enjoying my pain but also aggravated that it wasn't breaking me like it would have someone else. I almost felt sorry for his failed efforts.

   "You will break Buck." He said close to my face. A little too close to my face. "I will break you."

I spit on his shoe

   "You sure can fucking try."



10:45 HOURS


I was tired. I hadn't slept after last night, I just sat there listening to Charlie's even unconscious breaths. By my second week of living in the Glade, Gally and his Builders had built me a hut to separate me from the boys. It wasn't necessary, but they insisted. Eventually, Charlie found himself sleeping in there so often that I took his hammock and tied it up inside and he's never looked back.

I was walking with the kid at my side, a nice breeze blowing through my hair as the sun sent waves of heat down on to the Glade. I couldn't stop thinking about Thomas and I hated it. Every time I tried to think of something else, I'd see him staring from afar. Why couldn't he just go away like I asked? Today was going to be easier to ignore him though because he was getting his job. That meant I knew every single place to avoid him.

Suddenly, I felt this hard object get thrown at my head which stopped me mid walk. I looked to the floor as I watched an apple roll across the dirt. I looked over to Charlie who had thrown the apple at me, though he instantly regretted it when he saw me glare at him.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes, ignoring the boy. "You've been off all morning."

"So you throw an apple at my head?" I asked him annoyed but the boy was unfazed this time, shrugging his shoulders.

"If it get's your attention, sure, why not." Charlie told me with a smile, snatching up his apple from the ground, about to take a bite out of it before I snatched it out of his hand angrily. "Hey!"

I walked over to the water troughs by the Slicers, Winston waving to me. Charlie waved back viciously as if he hadn't seen Winston in forever, but then he glared at the pig as if it was the devil. I dipped the apple in the water, washing off the dirt and drying the fruit off before passing it back to Charlie.

"Oh, thanks."

"I'm going into the Deadheads." I told Charlie, knowing how much the forest creeped him out. "You can stay out here if you want."

"Man, someone must have seriously pissed you off if you're hiding in the Deadheads."

Sometimes I hated how much he knew me.

Erratic // Thomas+Female OC & Newt+Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now