Chapter Thirty-Two : Driving Fast

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00:07 HOURS


I told them not to go to the lower floors of the building. That was the only thing I restricted them from doing, but of course that had to be the one thing they forgot. Sometimes I wonder how Thomas could be so fucking smart but so absolutely fucking idiotic. It really just boggled my mind. Lights attract Cranks. They are more docile in the dark, making them easier to sneak by. But light makes them go crazy.

And now the lights were on.


To get to the main generators of the building, Thomas and Minho would have had to go to the bottom level of the building. I had one fucking instruction and they didn't fucking listen to me. I heard the others screaming shortly after, some of them calling out our names in a panic. Right after them came the combined sounds of over fifty blood thirsty Cranks.

Charlie was right.

God fucking hates us.

Good thing I don't believe in him.

"HOLY SHIT!" Charlie screamed at the tops of his lungs. "CRANKS OVER THERE!"

I used the front wheel of the car to hoist myself up onto the top of the hood, looking at both hall entrances that could lead out of the mall. Each side had a about ten Cranks guarding it, screaming and jerking as they ran in an aggressively excited motion. They brought in with them their scent of withering and decaying bodies. Charlie threw up over the side of the car.

"Fuck!" I said aggressively under my breath, looking over to Joey who was completely frozen in fear. "Get in the car now!"

Joey snapped out of his daze, reaching up and helping Charlie back to the ground in a hurry. I jumped off myself, opening up Charlie's passenger door while Joey hurried him inside. I pointed my brother to the seat next to the driver and he nodded to me, racing over and jumping inside. I took my loaded gun, checking the ammo before looking back up to the group of Cranks that came storming into the room. I counted three of them now, the others were spread out and hiding under the hanging tarps.

With my finger wrapped around the trigger, I let three of the rounds lose, two of them head shots while the other just skimmed it's scalp. The last Crank was basically on top of me when I decided to throw my gun to the side, yanking my knife out of my pocket. The beast leapt atop me, the two of us rolling across the ground until I wound up on top of it. The Crank screamed in my face, it's black tendrils sticking out of it's mouth and waving in my face.

"Huh, well that's new." I commented to myself as I took my knife, carving out one of it's tendrils while it thrashed beneath me, trying it's best to rip out my throat with it's teeth. "Interesting, has it always done that?"

"ROSE STOLE MY NOSE!" It screamed at me while trying to grab onto my arms.

When Thomas told Charlie to get me some new clothes he came back with long boots, a black tank top, and a brown colored bomber jacket with a hood attached. Thank god for that because this mother fucking Crank was trying to rip my arms to shreds. I held the Crank down by the neck with one hand while the other gripped on tightly to my knife.

"Haven't heard that in a while." I said with a smirk as I stroked my blade across the side of the Crank's head. "Lawrence still kicking I take it?"

I'm not sure why I asked, I was talking to a Crank after all. The broken shell of a man basically hissed in my face but all it did was make me smile. I raised my blade into the air and plunged it through the Crank's skull, hearing the satisfying sound of it taking it's last breath.

Erratic // Thomas+Female OC & Newt+Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now