Chapter Twenty-Two : Poked and Proaded

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No one would answer my damn questions. I had to know where they took Buck. One minuet she's completely conscious and then, bam, she's convulsing on the floor. You know what else was weird? This guy Janson who looked perfectly calm when he saw a crazy woman charge at him with a knife. When his soldiers took her away, all of us tried to fight him on it, but he insisted that they were just bringing her to their medical room where she could be properly taken care of.

   "Can I go with her?" I insisted as Janson lead us out of the room. "I know her best, it would be better for everyone if I went."

   If Buck woke up in a place not familiar to her with people she didn't know, something bad would happen, I could feel it. Someone was going to get hurt. Buck isn't a gentle soul. I was always there when she woke up from an episode so over that long year she was in the Glade, me and her built this bond with one another. She trusted me more than anyone else.

   "That won't be necessary." Janson insisted as he walked forward with the rest of us following behind him.

   Newt walked by my side as all the new information was being shoved down our throats with no break. Sparks flew as we were lead through construction and soldiers passed us by without acknowledging us. I looked across the building floor, trying to see if there was any way I would be able to get a glimpse of anything that could lead to Buck, but there wasn't.

   The Glade was nothing like this place or the sandy world outside. I remember being in the helicopter flying over the ruined cities and all I could think about was that video of that woman Ava Paige. She talked about the Solar Flares, but could that really cause that much damage? Another interesting question swirling around my head was, if the Solar Flares did this, then how could anyone survive it?

None of it made sense.

So I reached into my pocket

Newt wasn't looking

I took a few pills

And I felt the anxiety start to wash away

   "You can call me Mr. Janson." The man informed us as he continued. "I run this place."

   Newt turned to look at me but I couldn't look back, distracted by everything else around me just like everyone else. For a second, I don't know why, I felt a little angry at Buck for making me distrust this place. I really wanted to have a break from everything and the thought that we were finally rescued from the Glade made me relieved. Now though, with the reaction Buck had, I felt on guard. The drugs were helping with that though.

    "For us it is a sanctuary safe from the horrors of the outside world." Janson said and I pulled my attention back on him. "You should all think of this as a way station. Kind of a home between homes."

   "Does that mean your taking us home?" Thomas asked as Janson warned us of a broken wire above our heads.

   "A home of sorts." Janson responded, turning back to the hallway he was leading us down. "Sadly, there won't be much left of where ever you came from. But we do have a place for you. A refuge outside the Scorch."

   "I thought the Scorch was everywhere." I questioned but Janson didn't even bother to look at me.

   "There were parts of the world that weren't hit as hard after the Solar Flares." He informed. "Places me and my people have set up civilization where WICKED will never find you again."

   "That seems like a huge stretch don't you think?" I asked but I felt Minho pinch my ear and yank my head down harshly.

   "Dude, quit it, you aren't Buck, stop being so supicious of these guys." Minho said but I glared at him. "Jesus, it's almost as if you guys are shucking related."

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