Chapter Thirteen : The Gathering

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    Me, Newt, Charlie, and a bunch of other Gladers waited at the Maze Doors all night, waiting for them to open up. No one had ever come back from a night in the Maze before, but not everyone was Buck or Minho. I wasn't so sure about Thomas, that shucking idiot. I don't know him well enough to predict if he'll make it.

   It was hard to sleep when all I could hear was Charlie trying to hide his crying, but I gave it my best shot. I woke up only an few hours later with a blanket across my body that wasn't there when I fell asleep. I knew it was him. Newt had ignored me all of that day and night, but I caught him every now and then glancing over at me, sometimes I heard him trying to comfort little Charlie.

    I knew he was worried about them, he couldn't settle at all, his leg bouncing up and down anxiously. The problem was that everyone was going to him and overwhelming him with questions that he couldn't answer yet. No one had any hope that the others would make it back, but he did. That was enough for me to believe it too.

   There was really nothing else we could have done but wait, listening as the Maze changed and Greivers let out their deadly cry. I swear to god I heard them screaming too, but I couldn't tell whose it was. It sounded like girl screams, which meant it was either Minho or Thomas. Buck's voice, even though I've only heard it through grunts and screams, was way too masculine.

   Now the sun began to touch the green Glade grass, Gladers beginning to wake up and get to their jobs. I stood up tall, the Maze clanking to life, groaning loudly as the gears started churning. Charlie was up right after me, pushing himself off of Newt's chest, running up as close to the Doors as he was able to go, Chuck following right after. I was right behind them with Newt by my side and some others behind us that I couldn't bother to pay attention to at the moment.

   "You think they made it?" I asked Newt and the boy was silent for a minuet.

   "Why would you ask that?" The boy suddenly said with a dark tone. "Of course they'll come back."

   I stared at him worriedly for a second before focusing back onto the Maze, the Doors fully opened up now. Charlie shouted Buck's name as loudly as he could, his voice echoing loudly for everyone to hear. I could feel my stomach drop as nothing happened, no one walking through. It was completely empty.

   "No..." I whispered under my breath, listening as Charlie shouted for Buck again, then for Minho, and then for Thomas. "No..."

   My breath picked up speed, my heart pounded hard in my chest as I clutched my shirt. They couldn't be dead, they just couldn't. Now the world began to spin, the thought that I had just lost both Buck and Minho in one day. It just seemed impossible to comprehend. This wasn't supposed to be how they die.

   "BUCK!" Charlie shouted again and I could feel Newt grab my hand and squeeze it tightly, the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. "I HATE YOU!"

   I looked up from the ground to look at Charlie, expecting to see him on the floor bawling his eyes out, but I was pleasantly surprised to see him still standing, smiling.

   "You shucking scared the shit out of me!" I heard him shout out as Buck's figure walked around the corner of the Maze walls.

   She waved to us and I could feel all the air return to my lungs, a smile tugging on my lips as I let out a relieved  laugh. Newt took his hand out of mine, however, but that was something I would have to focus on later. I took a step forward, placing my hand on Charlie's shoulder, waving back to the girl. But she was alone.

Where was Minho?

Where was Thomas?

Where was Alby?

Erratic // Thomas+Female OC & Newt+Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now