Chapter 32: Coins and Memories

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Cover Story 36: Connoisseurs Worldwide Cooking Blog 4: The Pokemon Bartender? (part 1)

Last time, Cilan went to the Kalos Region to go to Siebold's restaurant but along the way, he encountered a group of orphaned children whose orphanage's caretaker has passed away and so Cilan decided to help them and even got recognized for his actions prompting a battle between Cilan and Siebold to success and a full course meal. Although Cilan wants to explore the rest of the region for more of Kalos cuisine and ingredients, he decided on Alola due to its climate as well as a famous family restaurant that's ranked highly in Alola and heads off.

Cilan's plane arrives to Melemele Island where he gets his hotel and takes in the sites while writing in his blog. He starts off with Alola's favorite snack Malasadas and noted it's unique sugary taste that appeals to everyone and noted that each Malasada is different throughout the Region and how they make them. He learns from a Malasada maker that Malasadas originated from the western Paldea Region which Cilan writes down in his interesting facts section. Cilan decided to go to the Akamai restaurant and notes how popular it is with the amount of people, but Abe (Mallow's father for reminder) seemed to be handling it well.

Cilan orders the special seasonal soup with a special berry juice and upon him and Pansage trying it, Cilan wonders if he's in heaven or not with the deliciousness of the food. Cilan asks Abe if he's up for an interview for his blog and Abe is ecstatic as he's a huge fan despite the few blogs Cilan has written thus far. Abe says he was inspired to be a cook after his grandfather who served in the Navy and although he notes Navy food is bad, his grandfather was an excellent chef outside of the Navy which is why he wanted to start being a chef and learned a lot including training under an Oranguru.

Cilan is intrigue over this Oranguru sensei, but he waits, Abe mentions that after he got married and had two children, he wanted to work hard to provide for his family and after his wife passed away, his felt lost but looked to his son and daughter and remembered what he was fighting for and continued to cook for his family, friends and the Alola. After that, he mentions how many of his new recipes were inspired by his life experiences as well as his children's adventures including the seasonal soup was inspired by his daughter searching for special flowers that held special nectar for Oricorio and such.

Abe mentions that he and his daughter would likely be interested in learning Cilan's skills due to his profession and asks if Cilan could make something from Cilan's home region so Abe can learn a thing or two to which Cilan agrees and makes a special Eggs Benedict (real world fact: it originated from NYC) and upon trying it, Abe questioned if he was also in heaven and thanks Cilan and asks how long Cilan might be here to which Cilan says he'll be here for a while as he wants to explore each island and their cuisine style. Cilan asks where might this Oranguru be and Abe points to the direction of the hut and Cilan promises to help Abe later on thanking him for the meal.

Cilan goes through the forest to find the hut as well as Oranguru who was seemingly prepared for him (that or he used his psychic powers) and is ready to learn more about Cilan and his blog.

To be continued.

Main Story

It was another beautiful day in the Paldea region and we're back in the city of Mesagoza where it seems like festivities are being prepared as there were balloons, stalls being prepared, and festivities planned all around with decorations that resembled lockets and photos. We see a woman looking at her locket and, in the locket, we can see what appears to be a photo of her, her wife and daughter and their Mabosstiff. A man and his Rufflet were also looking at their locket featuring him, Rufflet and their family and another person was looking at their locket that contains a picture of some delicious lasagna.

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