Chapter 13: The Unknown Stalker

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Cover Story 2: Trip's trip around the region trip #1: Start from your roots.

When Ash went through the region of Unova, he had to deal with an arrogant photographer named Trip. He encountered Trip on his first day there and Trip isn't exactly pleasant as he would call him names that would seem very Regionist by some but for the most part, Ash dealt with it wanting to have a full battle one day with Trip but he didn't really get that wish in the end because it was a one V one in the finals but Trip came to somewhat respect Ash and decided to go on his own way.

Around 2 years after Ash left and his lost against him, Trip began traveling once more and one day helped two kids who were lost back to their parents and found out the kids were from Kanto of all places. This caused Trip to reflect on himself for saying those mean things he said to Ash and regretted it especially when he finds out that Ash's former companion Iris came back and became a champion of Unova with Alder retiring and Ash became the first Alolan Champion and months later, the World Champion.

Trip decided that he wants to redeem himself towards others and travels to Alder's hometown of Floccesy town where upon arriving at his house, he... notices him sleeping but wakes up upon Alder's students arriving to see him and remembers Trip from the other day and that's where Trip asks Alder a way to redeem himself by becoming a student of Alder's. Though Alder senses strength in the boy, he decides to test his skills out in battle with Trip using his Serperior against what he hoped to be Alder's Bouffalant only for Alder to send out Volcarona revealing that Bouffalant isn't actually his ace, but Bouffalant is used to make people think he isn't that strong (which Bouffalant is actually strong) but when he uses Volcarona, he finally gets to let loose, and Trip is utterly defeated.

Alder however, does sense Trip's resolve and agrees to make him his student and that his first assignment for redemption is that he's given a Larvesta egg and must raise it but he also gives out another assignment of going to the White Forest/Black City, a civilization in a forest and a city respectively that are debating one which one should be torn down whether that be the forest to make room for the future or the city to allow Pokemon to thrive.

Trip's goal is to convince both sides that they can thrive in both and that when he gets there, he should seek out Alder's grandson Benga to help resolve the situation between the two civilizations. Donned with Alder's cloak, Trip begins his first step to redemption all while caring for a Larvesta egg, but Trip is followed by a mysterious girl in brown pigtails and her Snivy seemingly wanting something from Trip or maybe hoping that she was finding Alder for some unknown reason.


It was another beautiful morning at Naranja academy as we see Ash and his Pokemon train alongside the newly caught Tinkatink with Cyclizar and Pikachu testing Tinkatink's speed while Ash and Buizel were teaching Arven and his Sneasel and Gogoat about the Counter Shield while Quaxly watched from the sidelines.

"So, when it comes to the Counter Shield. it has to be a ranged attack like with Buizel's Water Gun combined with spinning?" Arven asked as Ash shook his head, "Not exactly, lots of people use techniques in different ways for example, my friend Brock once used Gyro Ball with his Geodude back when I was at the Alola school to deflect an attack and moved like a pinball and did the same thing with Steelix's Gyro Ball against a flamethrower, so a lot of people use it differently. Your Sneasel could honestly learn Counter Shield by using Metal Claw and even a mixture of Quick Attack while Gogoat doesn't have the moveset to really do so but you did use Energy Ball in combination with Metal Claw to create a slash attack, so it could work." Ash says as Arven looks to his Pokemon and they all nod.

"Alright, let's try it out!" Arven said enthusiastically as Ash smirks, "Alright, you got yourself a deal! Buizel, show off your skills!" Ash said as Buizel came on to the field and prepared to fight. "Alright, Gogoat charge up an Energy Ball and Sneasel use Metal Claw and combine it with Energy Ball!" Arven said as Sneasel metalized her claws and put her hand in the Energy Ball absorbing the energy which appeared on her claws.

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