Chapter 7: Arven and the Sneasels

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After the heartbreaking events of the last episode, things have gone back to normal at Naranja academy well, as normal as it can get. We see Ash and a random male student (who had a pompadour) preparing for a battle in the battlefield via the student's request, Ash accepts the request though he decides to not use Pikachu but instead Cyclizar as he hasn't gotten any battle experience and Cyclizar wanted to battle for the first time, so Ash is granting him the wish.

the crowd was outside on this nice morning before school ready to watch the battle with Nemona acting as a refferee, Penny looking on from the crowd holding Sprigatito and Arven looking from the distance seemingly interested in Ash. This here was Arven, a student who according to Clavell is well-meaning but stubborn junior who is the son of some very famous professors but much like Penny, he seems to have an interest in Ash but why?

"Alright Cyclizar, this will be your first battle and later on, we'll train on your skills." Ash said to his Cyclizar as he began stretching preparing to fight, "Thank you for this whackytastic battle, coolio!" the pompadour student said which gets Ash's nod of approval. "My pleasure, give it you all!" Ash said enthusiastically as the pompadour student grabbed his Great Ball.

"Gladly bro, Squawkabilly come out and show your hair due to the world!" The student said sending out his Pokemon which was a blue bird Pokemon who had a rather large pompadour, and it produced a comb from its feathers to adjust its 'hair' which both intrigued and confused Ash as he got out his Pokedex which displayed 4 variations of Squawkabilly with the green form being the main while yellow, white and blue were also shown:

Squawkabilly, the Parrot Pokemon, Normal/Flying type, blue form. These Pokemon are known to be in large groups and rival the green plumage Squawkabilly's due to their large size in numbers. The blue plumage are known for being calm but are ready to fight at all times.

"So is that 'hair' feathers or actual hair?" Ash asked confused which caused the bird Pokemon's hair to suddenly rise in anger over their hair being commented on, "Well I'm unsure but also I apologize for my Squawkabilly's anger, it hates having it's hair commented on." the student said but the bird Pokemon shrugs it off and is prepared to fight. Nemona looks to the both of them, "Are you ready?" she said to the two who both say yes, "Alright, you may begin!" Nemona said as pompadour student allowed Ash to go first.

To my knowledge from Cyclizar's Pokedex, it's moves are Taunt, Rapid Spin, Breaking Swipe and Quick Attack so, Ash stopped his thought and called out a command, "Cyclizar use Breaking Swipe!" Ash commanded as Cyclizar's tail began to glow and rush towards (via quadraped running) at the Squawkabilly. "Alright Squawkabilly stop that tail!" The trainer said as Cyclizar jumped to attack and Squawkabilly grabbed Cyclizar's tail before he could attack with tremendous strength which surprised both Ash and Cyclizar.

"Impressive right? Its Hustle is what keeps her going alright!" The pompadour guy said enthusiastically but Ash had a plan, "We're just getting started! Cyclizar use Rapid Spin!" Ash yelled out as Cyclizar lifted one leg up and began to spin very fast while Squawkabilly is still holding on to the tail before being thrown off. Cyclizar stopped as orange energy was over Cyclizar boosting its speed.

"You may have a speed boost but that's not going to stop us! Squawkabilly use Fury Attack!" the trainer said as Squawkabilly's beak began to glow and rushed at Cyclizar who began to dodge back. Hustle is an ability that boosts its attacking power but lowers its aim when using physical attacks so if I keep dodging, Ash didn't have time to finish his thought as Cyclizar stumbled back and the opposing trainer sees an opportunity.

"Squawkabilly now!" the trainer said as Squawkabilly dived down to attack Cyclizar, "Cyclizar use your tail to jump in the air!" Ash said as Cyclizar curled up his tail to the ground and jumped in the air causing Squawkabilly to crash taking damage, "Squawk!" the trainer said concerned but she got back up as both Pokemon and trainer smirked. "Alright Squawkabilly, use Tailwind!" the pompadour trainer said as his Squawkabilly began flapping her wings fastly causing Cyclizar to be pushed back a bit but stands his ground.

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