Chapter 14: Bright New World

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This chapter is more personal to me, relating to my feelings and thoughts and so this chapter will feel a bit... real per say.

TW: Mentions of death, mentions of suicide, depression

Cover Story 3: The Looker files #1: The Rosey Lookalike (Part 1, set after Gladion and Alain's arrival)

Looker is a Police officer/detective for the International Police, he handles cases that could be seen as too difficult for the regular police or those that covers evil teams throughout different regions. During his investigations of Team Galactic and Team Plasma, he seems to encounter Ash Ketchum and his friends who assist him in scenarios that would most likely end the world if not for Ash.

After Unova however, Looker hasn't seen the young lad but was congratulatory towards him during his victories in Alola and Galar respectively and wished he could have congratulated him personally, but work was a plenty especially with him training two new recruits a young hot-blooded detective with her Boltund named Jenny and yes, that Jenny as the first officer Jenny in the International Police. And a shy young man with his confident partner Steenee named Lock.

One day, Looker was going to investigate the Shadow Triad for their ties in crime and in association with Team Plasma but was given the assignment of searching for Rose, the former chairman of Macro Cosmos and his assistant Oleana for their involvement in the Darkest Day incident who escaped custody supposedly sighted in the Crown Tundra and with that knowledge, Looker and his recruits set off to Galar where strange things are bound to happen.

Upon arriving, they noticed who looks to be Rose but a bit taller, an orange coat, having a bit of a personality and seemed to be overprotective of a girl who wants to go in a cave. They look on him and find out he's Peony, the former Champion of Galar before Leon and the brother of Chairman Rose. They decide to ask Peony some questions but all of a sudden, the girl goes to Looker and asks him to battle her father and her father appears to be comedically heartbroken and promises a battle with the confused Looker. Will things get better for him or will he need a new cup of joe.


Cover Story 4: Alain's investigation days: The village of Ice (Set before Looker and Gladion's arrival)

Alain was Ash's rival during his journey in Kalos and a was previously an assistant to Professor Sycamore and despite seeming cold, he's a calm individual who gets along with Ash and his friend Mairin and her Chespin, Chespie. Following the incident in Kalos where Lysandre almost destroyed the world, Alain decided to return as Sycamore's assistant with Mairin joining them. Alain hoped that one day, he could battle Ash again to see his full strength as a Champion but sadly, he lost the first round of the Masters 8 but still hoped in the future for another battle.

One day, Sycamore hears rumors of the Kantonian bird trio of... well, Kanto supposedly sighted in Galar, but they have a different unheard-of appearance that looked to be crueler and more vicious. Curious to what they are, Alain and Mairin agree to go investigate these rumors and possibly get a picture of them and with the appropriate clothing at hand, they go to the Crown Tundra to investigate. Upon arrival, the duo notices the village was in a snowy landscape with the village's garden being constantly cleared of snow everyday.

Alain asks the village elder where they are and the elder explains that this is the town of Freezington, a village of snow and explains that due to the location, the weather varies from month to month, but they typically don't get much sun for a while causing the crops to go cold. Mairin asks about deliveries and the village says that deliveries are even rarer due to the cold. Deciding they have time before they go search for the birds, Alain and Mairin agreed to help by setting up a sturdy tent to prevent snow and Mairin has her Flabebe use Grassy Terrain to have the crops grow faster and Alain's Charizard to use its flame tail to provide heat and to everyone's surprise, they start to grow.

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