Chapter 4: Nemona's goals

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It was a beautiful morning at Naranja academy where the bright sunny rays shined down on everyone and on Ash who begun to wake up alongside his Pikachu, Cyclizar and Quaxly who yawned. "Morning everyone." Ash said groggily as his Pokemon responded back with a yawn and an alarm clock that said 6:30 and began to stretch. Ash did a typical morning routine of brushing his teeth, taking a shower, and giving his Pokemon their breakfast that Delia bought for Ash as he also began to make his toast and pour in cereal. With everyone energized, Ash returned Cyclizar and Quaxly to their balls and Pikachu got on his shoulder and stepped out the door outside the dorm wearing his civilian clothing.

Clavell told Ash the day prior that he will have some stuff to do and so asked Ash to do what he wants tomorrow as long as it doesn't cause trouble and so Ash decides to head to the battlefield to train, the battlefield today featured students hanging out, running around the track and exercising. With that, Ash sent out Cyclizar and Quaxly who are stretching at the moment and Ash smiled towards at them.

"Alright Quaxly, today is your first day training and I want to see how you do when it comes to battling and so Pikachu will be your sort of guide in a way to help you battle for the future. Pikachu, don't attack but try to analyze Quaxly's movement when it comes to battling." Ash said to his Pokemon to which they said their name in agreement and Cyclizar laid down to watch from the sidelines. Both Pokemon went to the opposite sides of the field with Quaxly going to his left and Pikachu going to his right in battle positions.

"Begin!" Ash said as Quaxly began to rush at Pikachu with Aqua Jet who quickly dodged the attack, Quaxly then rushed at Pikachu using Wing Attack with Ash beginning to realize what Quaxly is going for but still kept analyzing. Quaxly begins to tense up its muscles causing a sort of red energy to appear over Quaxly. That was Work Up Ash thought to himself, Work Up is a move that boost both ATK and which made Quaxly powered-up. Quaxly then begins to cover itself in a watery veil to launch itself with Aqua Jet and that's when Ash shouted.

"Pikachu use Electro Web towards the ground!" Ash said as Pikachu began creating an electrized web towards the ground and with no way to stop the Aqua Jet, Quaxly trips over the Electro Web and falls to the ground. Quaxly starts to get irritated a bit and his body starts to glow with a watery glow known as Torrent, an ability that boosts water moves. "And enough!" Ash yelled out getting both Pokemon's attentions.

Ash goes to Quaxly with a proud smile, "Quaxly, I think you're doing great, but we need to focus more on the defensive aspects such as blocking and using your footwork to avoid oncoming attacks!" Ash said to Quaxly who looked to be a bit confused, "It's just that rushing in will only get you damaged and will tire you out, leaving you open for open attacks, so you want to balance that out through hops and such. Here, let me show you what I learned back in Kalos." Ash said as he began to sort have a dance like motion which Pikachu began to copy and eventually, Quaxly gets interested and started to do the same thing.

"That's the spirit Quaxly! Just keep doing what we're doing, and you'll get the hang out of it." Ash said encouragingly as even Cyclizar even begins to copy those movements while quadrupedal. As they were doing that, Nemona and Pawmi was walking out the door and saw Ash and decides to go to him. "Ash!" Nemona yelled out getting the group's attention.

"Oh, morning Nemona! We were just doing some training, want to join us?" Ash asked the student council president, "As much as I want to and I really want to, I was thinking I'd head up to my favorite spot to have an ocean view." Nemona said which gets Ash's attention.

"An ocean view?" Ash asks, "Uh huh, there's a cliff spot out east where it leads to the rocky paths of the Estern South Province where you have a beautiful view of Mesagoza, Los Platos and my home of Capo Poco and of course, the ocean and in truth, I want to ask you something. You want to come with Ash?" Nemona asks which causes Ash to look at his Pokemon who looks pumped to go and so Ash nodded which made Nemona happy. "Alright Ash, I have to go grab my backpack and then we'll be ready to go!" Nemona said as she went out the doors.

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