Chapter 3: A School adventure

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Meanwhile in the same night where TR landed in a Grafaiai tree, we see a tired Jessie, James (plus his newly acquired Grafaiai) and Meowth trying to find somewhere to sleep somewhere in Los Platos.

"So, wait, you're telling me you didn't provide room reservations at the lovely Gran Nebulosa hotel!?" James said to a tired Jessie who looked at him rather tiresly, "I wanted to provide provisions for the vacation." Jessie said to them holding a suitcase which gets James and Meowth's attentions

Oh, so you brought along food, a camping tent and some survival gear for all of us?" Meowth said reassuringly only for Jessie to open the case to reveal various makeup stuff plus a Friend Ball which flabbergasts both James and Meowth. "YOU BOUGHT MAKEUP!" Both James and Meowth yell at Jessie who ignores it.

"I need to look my best and Wobbuffet liked my Wobbuffet styled fingernails, so I gave him some for his hands see!" Jessie says showing her ungloved hands as Wobbuffet comes out to show his hands which were painted nicely. "Ok to be fair, they are nice but that's not the point!" Meowth says to Jessie. James then notices the Friend Ball and asks Jessie, "What's with the Friend Ball?" "Oh, this. I got it for free at the Vermillion city Airport when I bought all this makeup and plus, I want a turn!"

Jessie then proceeds to pick up the ball and begins to point towards a random Pokemon, the Pokemon she eventually points to is a Spidops, a Bug type Pokemon that has 8 legs that are tied up in a way to make it appear like it has 4 legs. Jessies then charges up her swing and launches the ball towards the Spidops who then proceeds to create a web that keeps the ball moving and launches it back towards Jessie. The ball hit Jessie straight in the face causing her to step back a bit and the ball eventully lands on a nearby walking Pokemon named Lechonk and dissipates into red energy going into the ball catching all 4's attention.

The ball shakes once and sparkles signaling its capture, Jessie immediately has her eyes sparkle with joy and heads to her ball. "Ohh, what did I catch?!" Jessie says as she throws her ball in the air to reveal Lechonk, a Pig Pokemon who (despite its appearance my suggest) actually smells good. There was a good 10 seconds of silence until Lechonk goes to Jessie's leg to nudge (it's way of hugging) and eventually causes Jessie to get an unexpected smile on her face and picks up the Pokemon to hug it.

"You're so cute! and you smell well!" Jessie said to the Pokemon who squealed in excitement but makes James and Meowth confused, "Say Jes, are you sure it's beutiful?" Meowth said to Jessie and James then adds on to that with his bookdex, "Plus, Lechonk is known for preferring mud as it's napping spot." which only gets a vein out of her.

"Well, how dare you! Those mud beds you're talking about are likely luxorious mud baths and your Grafaiai is most likely smelly from those berries." Jessie said which angered the finger painting Pokemon and gets a vein out of James as well, "How dare you talk to my buddy like that, you want to fight!?" James said going toe to toe with Jessie only for both of them to be scratched by Meowth out of frustration.

"Look! How about we just go to bed on this nice patch of grass here and we'll continue our mission tomorrow." Meowth said rather tiredly which for once, both people actually agree with and begin to lie on the ground looking at the stars.

"This is nice" All three say, until a stampede of (Combat Breed) Paldean Tauros comes by sending them flying once more.

"This is the 2nd time in a day we've done this!" All three yell, "Wobuffet! Lechon! Graff!" All three of their Pokemon yell out as a twinkle appeared in the night sky.

The next day, we see Ash and his Pokemon eating breakfast at a nearby cafe with the group, Pikachu is currently helping Quaxly eat his while Delia's Fidough is currently enjoying her food while Delia looks on happily.

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