Chapter 22: Nemona's big day!

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Cover Story 20: The Looker files #2: The Rosey Lookalike (Part 2):

Last time, the detective Looker and his two new proteges Jenny and Lock head to the Freezington, Galar in search of two runaways from custody; Rose and Oleana who caused the events of the Darkest Day. Upon arriving however, Looker is immediately forced into a battle with the former Galarian Champion Peony after being forced to by Peony's daughter, Peonia who wants to go to the Max Lair.

Feeling he has no choice in the matter, Looker agrees, and Looker sends out his Centiskorch while Peony sends out his Copperajah and both proceed to battle but unbeknownst to both, Peonia uses this opportunity to sneak away catching Lock's and Jenny's attention as they go after her. Both battle for a little while until they realized it was a trick and Looker agrees to search for Peony's daughter but just as he says that, Peony's fatherly instincts kick in and comedically runs to the cave shouting out sweetie before Looker also realizes that his two proteges are gone most likely in search of Peonia.

Looker promised someone something so he's going to get it done and heads into the den to find out from his assistant Jenny that Lock went in there out of sheer bravery and Peony went in there recklessly as well without safety. Looker also realizes that he was joined by two others, Mairin and Faba who are there for their own purposes, but Mairin appeared to be nervous about something plus her Chespie wasn't there and Faba's was unknown.

The woman tells the 4 that they have to work in a group to get through the Max Dens, a series of Dens that contain random Dynamaxed and Gigantimaxed Pokemon and gives them their own Dynamax Band to allow them to Dyna/Gigantimax their Pokemon and to not wander in aimlessly like Lock and Peony. Looker asks if Peonia was in the group to which the woman says that she went with a separate group. Looker comments that he really needs coffee before the woman tells everyone to pick out a rental Pokemon due to particle effects of the caves that could affect a user's own Pokemon but can catch the Pokemon and swap them out in the dens after battles.

Jenny chooses Pincurchin, Looker picks out a Coalossal that can GMAX, Mairin picks out a Drakloak and Faba chooses a Jigglypuff (only due to it being the last one) and all 4 head in.


Cover Story 21: Alain's Investigation Days 2: Runaway

Last time, Alain and Mairin arrived at the village of Freezington, Galar to investigate rumors of supposed regional forms to the 'Kantonian Birds'. When they arrive, they help out the village with their vegetation problem and encounter a professor named Sonia who is also seeking out the birds but also the Swords of Justice and that the house she's staying in has spare rooms if they want to stay. The two agree but just as they were about to head inside, Mairin notices a strange rabbit-head object that looks like it goes on a statue.

Mairin cleans it up and puts it on a nearby statue which attracts the attention of a mysterious Pokemon who watches in joy over Mairin placing statue head on there before it hides back.

Inside, Sonia explains that she's here in rumors of those two groups of Pokemon to which Alain mentions that he's also here for regional forms but asks why the Swords of Justice. Sonia mentions that she heard from an individual that a robotic looking Virizion was sighted in the Crown Tundra and supposedly caught the Swords of Justices attention and were reportedly found here via their footprints. Sonia is also curious about the birds as while she knows a regular Pokemon can have a Regional form, she's confused as to why those Legendary Pokemon have a regional form.

As Alain and Sonia were talking, Chespie smells something outside and follows the smell to which Mairin follows her Chespin to find out that he followed the scent into Max Den and heads in to find out her Chespin did indeed go in but unfortunately, she's stopped from going in recklessly saying that she'll have to wait for 3 others to arrive in order to head in and starts to worry what might happen to her Chespin.

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