Chapter 76

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  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  There were a few more loud noises, and the bomb hidden by Qin Xingyue exploded. The protective cover of the platform shook violently. Fortunately, it did not break, but it was set up but the building collapsed. The crowd screamed again and scattered, becoming more chaotic. Only Zhang Hongbo's accomplices directed his men to investigate the bodyguard who suddenly turned into a killer in an orderly manner.

  In the chaos, Qin Xingyue fired the few bullets in the gun and turned around to hide in the wreckage. In less than ten seconds, she came out of another gap with a different look. She turned into a once glamorous but now disgraced female reporter with one foot stuck under a synthetic plastic board. She cried to a passing bodyguard: "Help me!"

  The bodyguard glanced at her contemptuously and was about to walk away, but Qin Xingyue shouted: "I am Lu Cheng's daughter!"

  Lu Cheng is a partner of Zhang Hongbo, and his private life is chaotic. Not to mention Zhang Hongbo's bodyguard, Lu Cheng himself may not even know how many daughters he has.

  The bodyguard frowned and came over to grab him, but he was pushed to the ground by a huge force and his head was grabbed and twisted. He didn't know anything anymore.

  Qin Xingyue lifted the board effortlessly, inserted the bodyguard's gun and magazine into the holster, covered it with her skirt, and rushed toward the exit with the panicked crowd. As expected, the exit was blocked.

  Her mental power connected to the star network and sent a message to Shi Han: "The exit has been blocked."


  Shihan immediately started the spacecraft that was two astronomical units away, and like a signal arrow, it shot straight towards the lecture platform on the space station.

  Behind them, the bright trajectory of the fleet's jump crossed the background of the universe, densely packed like a volley of thousands of arrows. The light of the explosion filled the originally dim deep space, like fireworks. He heard the enemy's chaotic signals, and they panicked. The shouts turned into phantom sounds in the universe and the first symphony of the new year.

  Owen sat in front of him, the tension and joy of revenge flashed across his cold blue-gray eyes, flickering like a meteor, and soon returned to calm. Shi Han opened his arms and hugged him completely, and a mechanical claw stretched out from behind to firmly fix them on the seat.

  The seats unfold and transform into a ball, protecting them inside.

  The distance between the two astronomical units passed in an instant, and when there were still ten seconds left for impact, Shi Han lowered his head and kissed Owen.

  "hold me."

  Zhang Hongbo's deputy stood on the platform, his mind blank, watching a spacecraft approach the screen at top speed like a meteor. After entering the visual distance, a small black spot appeared in his sight, and it took no time to complete the visual distance. Before he had time to react, he only heard a deafening bang and a huge fireball ignited in front of his eyes.

  The spacecraft disintegrated when it hit the protective shield, but the latter was also hit so that the repulsion field temporarily failed. The moment it burst like a bubble, the platform was evacuated into a vacuum. The screams were suddenly silenced, but from the people's open mouths Judging by their mouths, their screams were no less than before.

  In less than a second, the shield returned and air was injected again. Zhang Hongbo's deputy and the bodyguards he led did not relax at all, because the spacecraft that forcibly broke through the protective shield was still embedded in the platform. The smoke and dust caused by the explosion and combustion dispersed, revealing two figures.

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