Chapter 32

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"You know Y/n. You're so pretty, sometimes I be jealous of you..."

"Haha, what? Why?"

"Well because you can pull guys like Lucas. No wonder, you have a pretty face and a nice body. How do you manage to do that?"

"Thank you. Well... I don't know, I don't think I try to do anything. You shouldn't be jealous Larissa, you're pretty yourself, who cares what guys think."

"Yeah right. You only say that because we're friends. But I'll get like you one day. Trust."

'I'll get like you one day...'

Is this what's made her do this?

Y/n was never really something to be jealous about.

Why is Larissa doing this?

Why is she pointing a gun at Y/n's face?

Weren't they supposed to be friends?

Weren't they supposed to stick besides each other no matter what?

What's this all of a sudden?

"Y/n! I told your bitch-ass to stay there!! Why the fuck would you get up?!" Lucas says but Y/n can't seem to understand what's going on.


Why does she have to hide from Larissa?



White is all she sees.

This is it

This is where all her frustration will end.

This is where the end of all her suffering will start.

Thank you Alice.

Thank you for always being there for Y/n.

For never leaving her side when things got hard.

Always standing up for Y/n when she couldn't.

One day someone will give you back that love and care Y/n couldn't give. Too stuck on her own problems, she couldn't give Alice that love she deserved.

"Fuck, run Y/n!!" Lucas screams. He's tackling Larissa and pinning her to the floor.

The gun flies out of her hands.

She missed...

But Y/n can't move.

Her legs are stiff

Her arms are shaking

She can't even see straight

She's not dead after all.

She's still able to go through another day of hell.

"Yeah you fucking bitch. Run. That's all you ever fucking do." Larissa groans out.

"Watch the way you fucking speak to my wife." Lucas puts pressure into Larissa's back. She tries getting away from his hold but he's way too mad right now.

Way too strong...

Y/n just stays where she is in bed. Too confused to move. Too scared. Too tired.

"Wife? That's funny considering the day we kidnapped you, he thanked me by eating me out." She laughs.

What is she talking about?


We kidnapped you?

She's not talking about herself, is she?

Toxic | Levi Ackermanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن