Chapter 13

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Thankfully, Y/n was able to sleep okay last night. She got her full sleep without having to go outside for a smoke.

It's a Saturday morning and she's woken up by the smell of food. She gets up, getting herself cleaned and ready for the day.

Once she's done she goes over to the kitchen to where Levi is.

"Good morning." She says

"Hey. I'm making breakfast if you want some." Levi says back. Looking at Y/n through his peripheral vision.

"Thank you. What about the cats?" Y/n says as she walks out and checks on them.

They are cuddled up inside the cat house.

"I gave them some wet food." Levi says. Bringing two plates for himself and Y/n.

"Thank you." Y/n thanks him. They begin eating and talking normally. But a call from Y/n's phone, interrupts them.

"Sorry. Excuse me." Y/n says as she gets up from the table and heads outside.

Y/n: Hello?

Alice: Hey my love.

Y/n: Hi. What's wrong?

A: I was talking with Larissa and Yuni. They said we should all go out tonight.

Y/n: Oh I don't know. I didn't buy any dresses and stuff.

A: I got you. You should ask Levi if he wants to come.

Y/n: Um. I'm not sure if he'll like to come. He doesn't drink or smoke anything. He'll be bored.

A: Girl how do you know that? Ask him. And I will know if you did or didn't so don't play with me.

Y/n: ...

A: Okay I'll text you when I get there. Make sure you shave, just in case.

Y/n: Girl bye. Leave me alone.

A: Bye, I love you

Y/n sighs to herself as she makes her way back inside the house. Walking over to Levi, she lets him know.

"Um. Is it okay if Alice comes over later to help me with some stuff?"

"Yeah, whatever." He says. He knows she know he doesn't want a mess by now so he doesn't let her know.

"Also... Alice was wondering if you wanted to come... with us..?" Y/n says lowly. Embarrassed.


"I think we'll be going to the bar or something. I'm not sure yet." She answers him.

Levi sighs before answering.

"If I don't go, who's gonna be the one to drive everyone back home?" Levi asks. He doesn't plan on drinking, but he doesn't mind going out.

Y/n shrugs her shoulders.

"Okay then. I'll go. But we'll have to go in one car. Which won't be mine." He says. It's not like he could fit all of them in a two seat car anyways.

"Okay. Sorry if I'm bothering you." Y/n says as she grabs her plate from the table and begins cleaning up.

"Don't worry about it. I don't mind going out for one day."

It's currently 7pm and Y/n has gotten out the bathroom after an everything shower. She's drying her hair while still wrapped in a towel. She's waiting for Alice to come and bring her a dress, like she said she would.

Toxic | Levi AckermanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora