Chapter 2

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"Girl and why exactly haven't you left him yet??" One of Y/n's friends, Larissa, asks.

Y/n was currently at the Tea shop with her friends Larissa, Alice, and Yuni. Where she was sugar coating what Lucas had done to her today because she doesn't want her friends to overreact and cause problems.

"I only ever hear about terrible things that he's done and never any good. Don't you think it's time you end things and find someone else?" Alice cooperates with Larissa.

"I don't know guys, he was my first love and I don't want us to end just yet. He was my first everything..." Y/n says lowly.

"Y/n I get that he was your first everything but you should know that what he's doing is wrong and you don't deserve any of it" Yuni comforts her.

Y/n knows that she shouldn't put up with any of this but it's not as easy as it looks. One wrong word and she'll be dead. And who would want her anyways? Will they change like how Lucas changed?

"It's okay guys. I'm fine now and I'm sure I will continue to be. It's not that bad anyways." Y/n says. At least she hopes it'll be that way.

"If you ever want someone else and not that rat of your bf, let me know. I got you bbg" Larissa throws a kiss causing Y/n to laugh.

"Idk if I'm being extra but that cashier guy was totally eyeing you" Alice says while looking back at the guy.

"Leave him alone guys, no he wasn't" Y/n says, covering her face.

They all laugh when a call coming from Y/n's phone interrupts them. She checks to see who it is and sees that it's past 3pm. 3:47pm to be exact. She picks up the call and all she gets are straight questions like "Where are you?", "Who are you with?",and "What time do you plan on coming home?" They all come from none other than Lucas. Y/n is worried of what going back home would be like but has to do so or any later and things would be worse.

"I'm so sorry. I lost track of time but I'll be home in a couple minutes. I'm with Larissa, Alice, and Yuni at the Tea shop." Y/n says scared of how he might react.

"Okay" he replies and ends the call


This can't be any good. Y/n hurriedly picks up all her stuff says goodbye to her friends and rushes home. She's worried Lucas might do something to hurt her but she has to go home one way or another so might as well deal with it now

She gets inside the house but there's no body in the living room or in the Kitchen. So she goes to her room and as soon as she's about to turn on the lights to the room, arms grab her. Pinning her to the wall and a hand comes into contact with her cheek.

Tears and sobs are all that she could make come out.

"By what time did I tell you to come home?" Lucas says sternly.

Y/n can't make any words come out of her mouth. All that does are crying noises.

Another slap is thrown at her.


"THREE. YOU SAID TO BE HOME BY THREE"  Y/n forces out along with more cries

"Then tell me why the fuck do I have to call you at 3:40 to tell you to come home?!"

"I'm sorry. I was talking with the girls and I lost track of time. I promise it won't happen again!" Y/n scream out. She just wants all this to be over with but she knows Lucas won't let it go that easily.

"Take your pants off" Lucas orders

Y/n does as he says. Anything just to be able to get this all over with.

Lucas sits down on the edge of the bed and points down at himself and Y/n knows what's going to happen. She mentally prepares herself for all of it.

She lays her stomach on Lucas's lap with her bottom up in the air. Lucas rubs on the apple of Y/n's ass and asks "Do you know how many times you've pissed me off today?" To Lucas it seemed like Y/n was ignoring his question. Meanwhile Y/n was trying to collect herself to answer his question.





"Answer my question Y/n..." Lucas says while rubbing the spot he hit

"Yes-yes I know I pissed you off multiple times today" Y/n responds rapidly.

Another smack is heard as well as Y/n's cries

Every time Lucas will throw a smack, the next one would be way harder. This continued on 30 more times until Lucas got bored. Y/n's ass was completely red and numb. Her face filled with tears and multiple tries at telling Lucas to stop.

Lucas did and flipped her over. Now grabbing the back of her head and pulling on her hair to pull her closer to him.

"Next time you piss me off or don't listen to what I say, I will make sure you're never allowed to go out again."

Y/n just says she understands and is let go. She moves all the way over to the corner of the bed, she brings her knees to her chest and cries to herself once Lucas leaves the room.

It's now 5pm and Lucas hasn't heard anything from Y/n. He's hungry but instead of waking up Y/n and seeing her face, he orders take out. He already knows she won't be hungry so he doesn't even bother.

Once he's already eaten and it's time to go to bed, Lucas goes into the room and sees Y/n curled up in a ball in the far corner of the bed. He goes over to her and brings her close to him. She rests her head on his arm and he places his hand on her back, rubbing circles to help her go to sleep. And eventually they both do.

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