Chapter 38

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After talking to Carla, Y/n was able to gain permission to stay at her house for a couple of weeks. And Y/n feels relieved that she said yes, but there's also that feeling that she shouldn't.

It feels wrong.

She knows why she's moving, she has her reasons. However, she still can't get over the feeling she gets when she thinks about having to break the news to Levi.

He's the reason why Y/n wants to move, but also the reason why she doesn't want to.

She needs a break from relationships. That's why she's moving away from Levi.

But Levi's done so much for her that it seems selfish of her to just... leave.

He bought her clothes when she didn't have any. He gave her food when she wasn't eating. He looked out for her when she couldn't and yet, she's leaving him.

As if he wasn't a human being also. As if he didn't have feelings for her too.

Alice is right next to her and Y/n knows that if she shows any signs of worry, Alice'll give her a whole lecture about not having to need to.

'Don't focus on that. You're doing this for yourself.' She'll say.

'Just do what you have to do and get it over with.' She'll add.

Y/n knows all of that, she knows she needs to focus on how she feels and get it over with, but it doesn't feel right.

"Y/n. It's going to be fine. I know what you're thinking. Don't focus on any of that right now." Alice says.

Y/n sighs and continues looking out the car window.

"You know why you're doing this. And that's that. You're doing it for yourself. Levi can't tell you what you can or can't do." She adds.

Alice extends her hand and grabs Y/n's. She brings it to her mouth and kisses it.

"It's okay. Just go in and do what you have to do. I'll be here tomorrow at around 11 to 12pm."

Y/n turns her head to look at Alice.

"Thank you Alice but I'm not sure. It just seems... unfair..." Y/n finally speaks since she first got in the car.

Alice doesn't respond.

So it is...

Alice pulls the car over at Levi's house.

She unbuckles her seatbelt and turns to Y/n.

"Y/n, it is not selfish to do things for yourself. It's not selfish to put your mental health first. Levi can take it how he wants to take it, but do not think it's wrong to put yourself first." Alice says firmly.

She grabs Y/n's face and pulls her closer to hers.

"If Levi does anything to you, you tell me. Do not keep anything to yourself. I've always been there for you and I always will be. So if Levi doesn't like the idea of you moving in with me, he can fuck off." Alice kisses the top of Y/n's head.

She pulls away and looks Y/n in her eyes.

Levi has been so lucky to get to see them everyday. They're so beautiful.

"I love you Y/n." She finishes.

"I love you too."

They give each other a hug and after a while, they pull away.

"Okay. Go on now. You have things to do. I'll be here tomorrow." Alice shoos Y/n away.

She laughs and opens the door.

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