Chapter 3

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It's now a Sunday morning and Y/n just woke up. Like always, she wakes up to Lucas in the living room raging about his video games. She gets up from bed and walks into the bathroom. She sees herself in the mirror and sees her neck has started to turn a light purple color.

She sighs and takes a moment to herself. She starts brushing her teeth and cleaning her face. Most of her beauty products and self care products were taken away from her by Lucas, he's always thought Y/n would use it to try to impress other men.

Y/n finishes cleaning herself and puts on a pair of sweatpants with a hoodie to cover up the forming bruise on her neck. She heads to the living room where Lucas is. She doesn't feel like talking to anybody but she knows better than to ignore him.

"Are you hungry?" Y/n asks Lucas although she doesn't want to do anything other than to go back to bed and sleep her days away.

"No shit. It's fucking 10am and I haven't aten anything since I woke up at 7" Lucas says still staring at his game.

"Right. Sorry." Is all Y/n says through a sigh. She goes into the kitchen and tries finding something she could make for him. Only for there not to be anything to make.

Y/n closes her eyes and prepares herself for Lucas's shouting. She turns around to him and says "There isn't anything to make..."

Lucas shouts at his game for losing and turns his face to Y/n.

"What do you mean there isn't any groceries? We just went shopping a few weeks ago!"

Y/n just stands there to herself and stares down at her feet.

Lucas groans loudly and gets himself up to the room. He comes back down a few minutes later and tells Y/n to put her shoes on.

Y/n quickly does and soon enough they are out of the door and into Lucas's car.

The car ride was filled with Lucas's yelling at  Y/n for there not being anymore groceries and that if maybe she'll stop eating so much, there would still be some. All Y/n does is try to prevent herself from crying. She just sits there and takes it.

Once they arrive at the grocery store Y/n goes to grab a cart. She does and once she goes back to Lucas, Lucas puts his arm around Y/n's waist tightly. He keeps her close to him in order for other men to know that she isn't available.

Not even 5 minutes into shopping and Lucas notices some guy staring at Y/n. Y/n takes note of Lucas's tighter grip on her waist and looks over to him. She sees Lucas staring at something intently. She again moves her head to see what or who it is that Lucas is staring at and notices it's at the guy from yesterday. The cashier guy from the Tea shop. He was staring at her. Just like Alice had said. She looks away from him and continues shopping.

Lucas on the other hand won't let it slide and grabs Y/n's chin harshly to kiss her. Y/n takes it to not embarrass Lucas and cause problems. Lucas grabs Y/n's face and while kissing her, he opens his eyes to look for the guy who was staring at her. And he noted that he looked confused and angry while he later then walked away. Lucas pulls away from Y/n and lets her continue shopping.

They both get back in the car and this time the car ride was silent. Y/n could tell that Lucas was mad about something. But doesn't say anything whatsoever.

They get to the house and Lucas leaves the car immediately and into the house. He leaves Y/n to bring in the groceries by herself. Once in, Lucas calls for Y/n from the room. Y/n knows something is going to happen but goes in either way. She finds her way in the room and is met by a grab at her hair.

"AH. I'M SORRY. WHAT DID I DO?!!?" Y/n yells while trying to stop the pulling. The grip in her hair is so tight it might start bleeding.

"Tell me what the fuck did you do for that guy to stare at you like he did?" Lucas harshly asks. He knows Y/n is always trying to find other guys so he has to let her know one way or another that she doesn't need anybody else other than him.

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