Chapter 11

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"I'm so proud of you."

"What? Petra? Is that you? Where are you?"

"It's okay. Keep doing what you're doing. Continue to look out for her. Promise?"

"Please Petra. I need you. I miss you. Please don't leave me again."

"I understand. It's okay. But promise me you'll continue to look out for her and care for other people equally..."

"I promise..."

"Whatever you are feeling, it's okay. Let them out. Let her take her time and you take yours. But, let. them. out-"


What just happened? Levi wakes up from his tiny sleep with questions and confusion.

Did he just hear Petras voice in his sleep?

What does she mean by let his feelings out?

What does she know that Levi doesn't yet?


"Levi... let's go back home" Kenny says. He's Levi's uncle. He's the one who takes care of Levi. Even before Levi's mothers passed, Kenny would look out for him.

Levi's mother was very sick. Eventually causing her to pass way. Levi was still a child when she did. He had become very depressed and serious.

He wouldn't talk to anyone.

He just barely talked to Kenny.

Levi started going to school but that didn't cause him to talk to people and make friends. He wouldn't participate in class but still stayed at the top of his grades. Because he was very quiet, the kids in his class would make fun of him. He didn't care though. It didn't bother him.

But once Levi started going to Middle school. His attitude had changed. Although he still didn't care if people liked him or not, he decided he wouldn't take their shit anymore. He would get into fights and get suspended. He never started any problems for the teachers. But if he was brought into one, he would finish it.

"Can't y'all just leave him alone? Y'all always talking and end up getting y'all's asses beat. Shut up." Someone in front of Levi's seat says.

"Are you okay? I'm sure you tired of them. I got you though." She says. Why is she talking to Levi? Why is she even defending him? She doesn't know him. So why bother?

Levi nods. Not wanting to continue the conversation.

"My name is Petra. What's yours." She says with a smile. Levi doesn't want to answer. She'll probably just make fun of him like the other guys. He ignores her.

"Come on. It's okay. You can talk to me always." Petra says with another big smile on her face. Levi questions why she's smiling so much. Why does she care?

"Levi..." he says just above a whisper, but Petra is able to hear him.

"Ohhh. That's a nice name. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?" She says. Levi hasn't thought about any of that stuff yet. He doesn't even see a future for himself. So he nods his head no.

"You know what I think would suit you? I think you could own a tea shop. You look like the type." She tells him with a tap on his shoulder. Levi does like tea but would he own a shop?

"Hah. How do you expect him to OWN a shop. He's broke!! I bet he can't even make or own tea." One of the guys said. His group and him begin laughing at his 'joke'.

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