Chapter 5

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Y/n is absolutely dumbfounded. She can't believe that instead of Lucas punching her or someone else, he's the one being punched.

Lucas is now on the ground with his hands behind his back. Being held down by Levi with his knee on Lucas's back. Preventing him from getting up and doing something stupid.

"HANGE! GET OVER HERE!!" Levi shouts. Someone comes running from the back wondering what could have possibly happened.

"What the fuck happened Levi?" They ask. As shocked as Y/n is.

"I don't have time for questions. Call the police." He says. Lucas starts trying to move from his hold.

"Let me fucking go bruh!!" Lucas shouts.

"Wait!! Levi please don't call the police on him!!!" Y/n says. Scared of what she'll do if they take him away from her. She doesn't work so she doesn't have anyway to live without Lucas. And her family? It's not like they would care anyway.

"What the fuck? Why not? He's already done so much shit to you and this time it might've been worse." Larissa says. She's mad that she still wants to continue her life like this. She wants nothing but for Y/n to live a happy and normal life again.


"Are you gonna be the one to pay all the bills in the house? Are you gonna be the one who works so that I can have a place to live Larissa? I understand that you want me to get rid of him and live a better life, but without him I have none. I won't have a place to stay at. I won't have food to eat. I won't have water. I don't even have a fucking job. I stay at home all fucking day cooking and cleaning so that he could come home and worry about all of that. And I'm SO sorry that I have to tell you all of this but I just want you to understand me. How I have to live my life. So if in order for me to have a place to stay at, he has to totally leave me bruised, then that's how it'll be"

Tears start coming out of her eyes. She has nothing but love towards Larissa, so coming for her like this absolutely breaks her heart. She hates to yell at people, and the ones who love and care for her.

Levi looks at Y/n like she's a ghost. He knew it. He knew that she was being abused. Since the day she came here with her friends, he saw the red marks on her neck. He had a feeling. The day at the grocery store, seeing how Lucas never let Y/n go, his suspicion only grew. And now he definitely know. 100%. And there's no way he was gonna witness all of this and just let Y/n continue living her life like this. He can't believe that someone thinks this is how they have to live their life forever. As much as he hated this idea, he had to do it.

"You can live with me while you get your life back together." Levi says. He wants to take it back badly, but doesn't. He stares at Y/n and lets her know that he's being deadass.

"Hell no. What the fuck do you plan on doing with her. You're not gonna let that happen right Y/n?" Lucas says. Astounded by Levi's words. He wasn't gonna stay there and let him take his girl.

Y/n doesn't know what to say. She just stands there trying to rethink of everything that has happened

"Answer me Y/n for fucks sake. You won't go live with him right??!! You love me!! Not him! ME!!" Lucas shouts.

"Leave her the fuck alone you fucking piece of shit. She doesn't have to give you an answer. She will decide on her own time" Alice says and she hugs Y/n to covers her ears. Y/n begins crying. She doesn't know what to do. Should she go back with Lucas and bare with the abuse? Or should she go live with Levi and start from Zero? This is all too much for her at once.

"Y/n? It's okay. Breathe. Breathe in and breathe out. Listen to me my love.." Alice says. She noticed that Y/n was having trouble breathing and she was grabbing her chest. She holds her hands and helps her through everything to calm her down. There's been several times where Y/n would have panic attacks. And Alice was always there to help her. If Y/n was ever by herself, she would think of what Alice would say and do it to help herself.

Y/n eventually does. She calms down and hugs Alice tightly. Thanking her for saving her once again.

Alice and Y/n go wayyy back. Like Elementary back. Alice has always been important to Y/n. There was a time where she was all she had. No one she could talk to other than her. And Alice still stuck by her. No matter what.

It's time for Y/n to decide what she would do. Go back with Lucas or start over with Levi. For 5 long years Y/n stuck with Lucas. The beginning was the best part, always together and all the memories. But over time Lucas began showing who he really was and started becoming more distant and abusive. Y/n would believe that it was just temporary, that that wasn't really him. But it didn't stop. 3 years later and it never did stop. It's probably time she gives herself a break and starts over.

"I'm done with Lucas" she says.

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