31. Effective Communication

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My vision is fuzzy as I lay flat on my back looking up at the vaulted ceiling. Caleb talked Trish and I into drinking some of his father's 30 year aged scotch. We're all drunk and laid out on the rug now.

It tastes like death going down but after only one glass I'm off my ass.

"Want a refill?" Caleb asks Trish who is also drunk off his ass and  also has my toes in his mouth.

"Why am I so drunk?" I whine.

"I think it's like 80 proof or something." Caleb replies as he raises a brow to Trish who is fully tonguing down my toes.

"What is with you two and my feet?" I giggle as I try to tug my leg away but Trish has a firm hold on my ankle.

Caleb sits his glass on the floor before taking hold of my other foot that is still dressed in a long stocking. He rubs my foot against his face with a goofy smile.

"You're so pretty down to your pinkie toe." He says with a chuckle and Trish co-signs with a hum as he switch's from sucking to kissing the pads of my toes.

"Really?" I ask and Caleb raises a brow.

"You know you're fucking gorgeous. There is not a student at our school that doesn't stop in their tracks to watch you walk by."

"That isn't true."

"It is." Trish adds and I take a moment to consider that.

"Weird." I say after a minute.

"How is that weird? You own a mirror." Trish replies.

"Yeah..but  I was invisible at our old school."

Trish lowers my foot onto his lap and frowns, "You were never invisible, people just didn't know what to make of you. Especially since you insisted on dressing like my mini me."

"I hated boys clothes. It was a just easier to buy what you did."

"I never minded, I always thought you were most gorgeous naked anyhow." He says with a shrug.


"Fuck yes!" Caleb answers.

Trish hums at the back of his throat, " I love when you're like this. Thong, thigh high socks and nothing else." He says as his eyes skim me from top to bottom.

"It's actually better for me if you're wearing a little something. I need a bit of distraction or I'll cum fast." Caleb laughs and I giggle.

"Why?" I ask him as my head spins from laughing to hard.

"Ugh, your skin is too fucking much. So soft, and chocolatey. When I see you naked it puts me in a frenzy and I just want to eat you up and not come up for air. A little distraction reminds me to slow down." Caleb says before taking another swig from his glass.

I'm not going to lie I feel so warm and gooey I could melt like chocolate on a summer day.

I place my glass on the coffee table before dropping myself back to look up at the ceiling. I watch the ceiling fan turn until everything gets fuzzy.

Tears rolls down my face and I wipe at them, still within seconds I'm being flanked on either side. Their warmth makes me feel more emotional.
Caleb gently brushes his fingers in my hair while peppering soft kisses on my forehead and face while Trish peppers kisses on my shoulder and neck.

The feeling that had me crying in the first place seems to swell inside me like caulk. It fills every empty space.

"What is it baby?" Caleb asks as fresh tears roll down the sides of my face.

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