2. Prologue: La Partie Duex

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Arie yelps and calls Caleb's name aloud from his room.

I can hear him giggling as if he's being tickled as I pass by on the way to the kitchen.

I clear the plates, then rinse the things Arie cooked with and put them in the dishwasher.
I'm about to head back to my room to shower when there is a knock at the door.

I sigh at Nickie and Carter quizzically. It's barely 10am.

"Why are you here?" I ask to neither or both in particular.

Nickie briskly pushes past me and Carter follows her.

"Okay ." I mutter sardonically as I close the door behind them.

When I turn around Nickie is already sitting on the island as she picks off the plate of left overs I forgot to put in the fridge.

She bites a strip of bacon before looking at me.

"Can I eat this?" She asks.

"Go for it." I say with a stiff smile.

"Can you grab the syrup and a fork for me?" She says in a manner I can tell it isn't really a request.

"Anything else?"

"I'm thirsty as well." She says as a matter of fact as she lifts the plate and already goes to working on a sausage.

Carter looks bored as she leans forward onto the island with her elbows against the marble.

I've closed the fridge, juice and syrup in hand when Arie gasps loudly.

All our eyes go to his closed bedroom door.

"Don't stop, nearly there!" He moans loudly and Nickie bursts into giggles like a child.

Carter smirks before looking to me.
"Caleb's here?" She asks.

"I guess." I mutter as I place the orange juice and syrup beside Nickie before retrieving a fork and glass.

"Why are y'all here?" I ask again as I watch Nickie demolish her plate.

"Here for Arie. Nickie called her but she didn't answer. Guess we know why now." Carter explains.

"Caleb!" Arie exclaims as if he's scolding him for something.


"Don't make me kick you in the face!"

Caleb laughs.

"I'm not joking. Move!" Arie demands.

A moment later Arie swings his bedroom door open.

His eyes go big when they register Carter and Nickies appearance.

Caleb is still on the bed behind him dressed only in briefs.

He sits up on his elbows and watches us.

"Hey, Nickie." Caleb says with a wave. Nickie gives him a stiff smile with giant cheeks, her mouth is full of pancake.

"I'm here too," Carter says flatly.

"Yeah, I saw you. I just didn't care." Caleb says with the same flat tone.

"Good morning guys." Arie chimes awkwardly as Caleb and Carter scowl at each other.

Which is how they always greet each other.

"Not as good a morning as you." Nickie says as she lifts her glass of orange juice.

"Arie and I-

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