11. Deep Connection

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*{Hrs & Hrs/ by: Muni Long}


"Caleb...oh god...baby." I whine as my hands press flat against the steamed windshield. In what seemed like seconds of pulling into this small clearing in the backwoods bumfuck of the Georgia woods Caleb had me completely stripped and bent over the steering wheel of his massive pick up truck.

Besides the vulnerability of being completely nude I'm pushed up past the dash where any hunter could stroll along and see me ass wide open as Caleb deep dives with his face.

It's raining but my eyes still dart left and right through the foggy glass expecting the cast of the hills have eyes, a hunter, a serial killer, or god forbid Bambi and his mom to come scurrying along.

All this floods my mind that is until his tongue hits that perfect spot and my body goes limp like it always does.

"Oh Fuck!" I gasp and all of a sudden I could not care less. Even if the entire local unit of the Boys and Girls Scouts came traipsing along I couldn't be bothered.

My suggestion is to stop walking children in nature if you don't want them scarred for life.

"Oh god." I cry as I claw closer and closer to cuming for the six hundredth time since last night.

For fuck sake I hadn't had sex with them in a month then I give an inch and now I'm being fucking between periods and in the middle of the woods.

This is not the least bit sensible.

Mindnumblingly insanely erotically hot-yes.

Sensible, no.

How will any of us graduate at this rate?

I think cause I certainly cannot speak.

What the fuck is he back there chowing down on that shuts down my body?

He suddenly stops and I can only whimper in dismay.

"Why so quiet baby?" He asks with a chuckle.

"Are you uncomfortable?" He asks me and I swallow hard as I try to remind my brain how talking works.

"I'm ok." I mutter with the side of my cheek pressed to the warm dashboard.

He laughs aloud and then a moment later he is pulling me back by my hips and turning me onto his lap.

My whole body still feels tingly so I drop forward smushing my face into his chest.

He holds me firmly in his arms as he gently strokes my hair.

"Is my punishment over?" I ask.

"Did it really feel like a punishment?"

"No. Are you still mad I let Trish mark me?"

He sighs and I tilt my head back so I can look at him.  His dark brown eyes meet mine as his fingers still fondle my ringlets.

"I was never really mad. And this was never really a punishment. I just wanted you to myself for a little while." He admits and I tighten my grasp around him reassuringly.

"I love you baby." I tell him and then pout my lips so he'll kiss me.

He bends his head to meet me for a quick peck.

"Are you cold?" He asks as he runs his hands all over me.

"No baby. The heat is nice." I tell him enjoying the feel of it against my naked body as his big hands grope my asscheeks.

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