-Prologue: La Partie Un

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**{NO ONE's IN THE ROOM/ by: Jessie Reyez}


The first thought I have when I wake the next morning is,

2 Boyfriends.

Next I ask myself if I possibly dreamed it all.

How can anyone be that lucky?

I thought I would lose Caleb. I deserved to lose Caleb. But somehow he found it in his heart to forgive me. He isn't disgusted by me and even gave me another chance while  freeing me of a terrible choice I would one day have to make.

What did I do to deserve such kindness?

I can love them both.

I won't have to wait with bated breath for one of them to tire of my selfishness and leave me.

I'm beyond happy and grateful even while anxiety looms just beneath.

This can go so badly. What if in the end I lose them both? My chest tightens at the thought.

Who ever gets to have their cake and eat it too?

Caleb gave me the entire cake. I love him so much more.

I won't let him down. I can make him so happy. Both of them.

After having a long talk last night Trish and I took a long bath where we talked more. I could tell he was mentally exhausted being so open with me about all the things he kept bottled up for so long.

But I was beyond proud and humbled that he would be willing to turn himself inside out for me. It was the first time I truly believed it when he said he loved me. I wept when he admitted that he would do anything, and be anything as long as I didn't leave him.
Even if it was to be my shadow and watch me love someone else too.

He also promised to stop being so fickle and chaotic. To which I was adamant that I didn't want that.

I want Trish to always be himself. Just a happier, healthier version. If he was to be my shadow, I wanted to be his diary. He could always share his heart without censorship. No matter the ugliness he showed me I swore to love him through it.

I'm strong enough to take it all now.
We both cried then and he allowed me to hold him as he did so. I could never take that for granted.

A part of me knows it was Caleb's patience that allowed us to have a moment like this

It wasn't very long ago that I was just too scared to be vulnerable with Trish anymore. But Caleb gave me the confidence to continue loving Trish even though it was painful...to us both. Caleb and I.

How tender could a man's heart be to make space for someone like Trish? Who desperately needs our reassurance and care.

Never once did Caleb attempt to make me pull away from Trish even though it must of made him uncomfortable. Instead he in his own way loved and reassured Trish that he wouldn't be left behind.

I'm also happy Caleb wasn't noble enough to give me up. We both needed him Trish and I and he was unwavering even when we asked too much of him.

Trish told me everything that happened the night they went to Trents. He would have gone with of without Caleb. But Caleb didn't leave his side for fear of Trish ruining his life.

My boyfriend put his future at risk to prevent Trish going off the deep end. Which convinced me more than ever that Trish does need us both.

If that situation was left to me -Trish and I would currently be sitting in prison.

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