23. Make-up/Wake-up

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The curtains blow past me as I step out of Caleb's bedroom and into the terrace.

I searched the entirety of the upstairs floor and didn't find him at all.

I started to feel anxious but once I calmed myself and allowed my heart to lead me I found him.

He's sitting on the ground on the left side of the open French doors. The first time I looked out on the terrace I hadn't noticed him at all.

His beautiful eyes twinkle as he stares up at the dark inky sky and the stunningly clear full moon.

"This house is insanely large. I looked everywhere for you. Are you ready to talk?" I ask- looking down at him.

He doesn't answer and I don't push. Instead I take the time in silence to admire him. He's barely dressed in a simple cami bra and panties.

His knees are bent in front of him as he leans back against the wall. The light breeze makes his hair flutter. His fiery red hair burns beneath the moonlight as his ringlets gently sway as if invisible fingers admired it softness the way I often do.

It's strange the last few days that bitter feeling spread in me until I felt forced to share it...but the second I knew Arie needed me-wanted me it disappeared without a trace.

I awkwardly walk over to peer down at him and a sense of déjà vu muddles my mind until the reflective memory forms.

The day I found Arie behind the gym after he'd been avoiding me. The day a new part of our relationship started.

I lower myself to sit beside him and still he doesn't react to my presence.

"I'm sorry." I say after too long in the heavy silence.  That  seems to penetrate him cause he turns his head to look at me.

When he doesn't say anything I continue, "I'm a toxic fuck up. I know it. But I can't seem to help myself. I can't seem to stop hurting you."

"Why am I so lucky?" He mutters hoarsely.

I consider it, "I don't know why but my heart has designated you be responsible for me. That you should shoulder all the burdens of my toxicity."

He rolls his eyes, "Can I give up? Can I stop?"

I shake my head.

"I have no choice but to stay still as you riddle my heart with bullets?" He asks so sadly my heart aches.

"I promise to get better. Please don't give up yet." I plead pitifully.

He sighs, "So Bree...I shoulder her?"

I nod.

"Just go back to her. I won't stand in your way."

His words are like a physical punch to the gut.
Actually, I would have preferred that over the pain his words cause me. A pit opens up in my stomach as my mind races with too many thoughts at once. Each thought more painful then the last as his words echo inside me.

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