29. Intimacy

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Arie whines softly as I rub my face in her hair. I don't know how long we've been doing this but I'm way beyond my threshold of being tormented.

"More lube?" Trish asks from where he watches us on the couch.

I nod as reply before gently kissing Arie at the top of her head. I'm on my back as Arie lays on top of me. I'm deep inside her but it's not enough. My body is tense from the almost desperate desire to thrust myself deep and hard.

Trish leans over and tips the bottle of lube. The cold glob splats against my shaft. I take hold of Aries ass cheeks and glide her the length of my cock.

She inhales deeply as she slips her arms around my neck. She holds me as I insert another finger inside her. It's been slow going but I've been massaging and slowly stretching her around my dick with my fingers.

"How many more?" I ask Trish. He tilts his head as he glances down at where Arie and I are locked.

"Hmm, two more should be enough." He deduces as I massage Aries lining and slip another finger in.

"Oh god," she cries as she buries her face in my neck.

"Are you ok baby?"

She sniffles as she nods her head.

"Hang in there. You're almost there." Trish encourages as he massaging her lower back.

He presses his fingers deeper into her spine and she moans.

"Less pressure?" He asks and she shakes her head.

"Keep doing it, she likes it."  I advise him as I continue to stretch her around my dick.

I slide in another finger and she shudders.

"Is that too much?"

"Hmmm," she whines.

"Show me your pretty face baby."

She slowly lifts her head to peek at me. I smile as I notice small dots of sweat over her freckles.
Even that turns me on.

"Is it hurting?"


"Why are you hiding?"

"It's embarrassing." She pouts.

"It's only us here."

"Trish is staring at my gaping butthole."

Trish chortles and I glare at him.

"He's barely looking."

Trish smirks to himself as he continues his massage and Aries eyes roll into her head.

I chuckle softy, "That good?"

"Hmmm," she hums.
She's so fucking beautiful.
I slide my dick in deeper and her eyes snap open.

I smirk as I raise a brow, "Better."


My gaze flickers up to Trish, "She's ready."


"Slow and steady." Caleb instructs as I break the head through.

"Arie?" I call.

Caleb gently rubs Aries hair while peering down at his face, "She's half asleep."


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