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"Did a lot of people invite you to clubs?"

Trish asks me when we resume our lovers stroll across campus. We both have a break before our next classes and it feels so nice to just take our time. The weather is warm in that nice refreshing way the season of fall is known for. The grass is covered with red, yellow, and brown leaves making everything so picturesque.

But most importantly Trent is instantly forgotten like yesterday's trash.

"So many!" I exclaim.

He laughs, "They do that to all the freshmen. Every club, alliance, organization, group, team, and gatherings of the like bombard first years trying to recruit or at the very least leave an impression."

"It was a lot and I know theres more." I cringe as I recall how overwhelming it felt. I'm not used to so many people trying to be friends with me at once.

"Much more, just wait for the banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions to join the recruiting fun." He says with a chuckle.

"Huh? Banks? Why would they want me?"

"They want to tempt you into getting credit cards and loans you really can't afford to pay back. Ruin your credit before you know how important it will be."

I smile proudly as I peer up at him, "Wow, my boyfriend is really smart."

"Not really, I got three lines of credit going last year and my parents lost their shit entirely. I was threatened with death if I so much as sign my name on a birthday card without mom's permission."

We laugh and giggle in fits as he tells me how red with fury Aunt Aubreys face was.

He stupidly wrote his parents address instead of his own when filling out the applications. Then he warned me against making that mistake from force of habit.

Like the funniest tragedy ever all three bills went to his parents house. And they didn't give a damn about committing mail fraud when they saw three different credit card companies writing their son.

"Is there any you're actually interested in?" Trish asks me when we are finally able to stop laughing.

"Some of the clubs did sound nice and I liked what the sorority sisters said. But when the fraternity guys showed up I instantly knew it wasn't for me. Besides Nickie is demanding all my freetime already. I don't have time for other clubs."

"Your freshman year is for trying new things. If you want to join another club Nickie will have to understand."

"Will she?!" I ask as I imagine her eyes that get crazier every time I see her lately. The girl is stressed to the max.

Trish chuckles, "Maybe not. But I'll talk to her."

"It's ok. I've actually been having fun with them. I think I'm craving strong female bonds thats why the Deltas peeked my interest for half a second. All their talk of sisterhood was inspiring. Then I realized I was already getting that with Nickie, Carter, and the rest of the squad. They have been so kind and encouraging. Even though it's been chaotic and tiring it's really worth it to return their kindness. Also, I never imagined that my lack of height might be a good thing. They want me to top the pyramid. I never thought I could top anything."

"You are so silly." He says and we both start to laugh all over again.

Trish pulls me by the hand as he places his back against the trunk of a giant red maple tree. My shoes crunch against the red leaves scattered about our feet and I look down curiously. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me against his strong chest.

Unrequited? Air at Sea- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now