"I'm taken." Louis said simply, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"But I'm not!" Chris exclaimed.

"Whatever." Bridgette said walking back to where she was. A guy with dirty blonde hair walked to where we were and smiled. He was kind of hot.

"Please excuse her. She is just a little bit pissed because her boyfriend broke up with her yesterday." He said. "My name is Riley."

"Hello, Riley." We all exclaimed in unison.

"My name is Harry."

"My name is Charlie."

"I'm Rachel!"

"Louis here!"

"It's nice to meet you!" He said politely. This guy was really gentle. He should teach Chris a couple of lessons.

"I wish I could say the same..." Chris said.

"Mind your manners, mister!" Lou exclaimed, making me laugh.

"Stop telling me what to do!"

"Someone here is embittered..." Riley said.

"I know, right?"

"WHATEVER! Come on, Charlie, sit by my side." Chris said blushing.

"Okay." Charlie said, following Chris.

"I will sit over there, too!" Harry exclaimed. I just rolled my eyes.

"Thanks for being so nice." I said. Lou stared at me with jelously in his eyes and I just smiled innocently.

"You can sit with us in lunch if you want to." Riley said.

"What do you think, Louis?"

"It would be great." He said smiling. I was glad he was not jealous anymore.

"Wonderful. See you at lunch!" Riley exclaimed waving his hand and walking to where his friends were. At least we found a polite person here.

Harry's P.O.V

"Here, Charlie. Why don't you sit down?" Chris said, offering Charlie a free spot.

"Thanks." Charlie said shyly. Chris just smiled and nodded. He sat down next to Charlie.

"Where am I going to sit?" I asked confused.

"Oh, you can sit over there." Charlie said, pointing at the spot that was behind her.

"Thanks." I sad smiling and sitting there. Chris shook his head and sighed. I hated the fact that he was being this mean.


Rachel's P.O.V

It was lunch time, and we decided to walk to the cafeteria. I was walking with Charlie, Louis, and Harry. It was then that I remembered I forgot my purse inside of the classroom.

"I forgot my purse. Be right back!" I exclaimed.

"I will go for your purse!" Louis offered.

"No! I am going for my purse! I have personal stuff in there!" I lied. I had churros inside my purse, and I did not want to share with them. Those churros were mine!!

"Okay, but I will go with you!" Louis said.

"No way!"

"I am your bodyguard and your boyfriend. That means I have to protect you even more!"

"Chris is in the classroom. You do not need to worry. Just let me go, okay?" I said making a puppy face.

"Okay!" Louis said. "But I will wait for you here!"

"Okay." I said smiling. "Harry, take Charlie to the cafeteria, okay?"

"Okay. Follow me, beautiful lady!" Harry said winking.

"Okay... If you insist..." Charlie teased. I just rolled my eyes and started walking to the classroom.

I entered the classroom and noticed some of my classmates were still there. I ignored the fact that they were there and walked to my desk. I took my purse and opened it. I took one of my churros and started eating it.

"Mind to share?" A guy from the group asked, walkind to my direction. He had black hair and blue eyes.

"Um, I do not mean to be rude but... Get your own churros!" I exclaimed.

"Ouch. That hurt. My name is Andy. What's your name, sweetie?"

"My name is Rachel. Do not call me sweetie!"

"Sorry, I just noticed how hot you are." The guy, Andy, said. I just blushed.

"Leave me alone. I have a boyfriend!"

"Oh yeah. I remember now. Your boyfriend is that stupid guy that entered the room yelling."

"DO NOT call him stupid!" I retorted.

"That's what he is. A stupid, little, baby." He said. I got mad and threw my churro at him. He was insulting Lou! MY Lou! I saw how the churro landed on his face, as his look turned into an angry look.

"You shouldn't have done that!" He exclaimed extremely mad. I just gulped, but tried to look relaxed.

"Why? What are you going to do?"

"This!" The guy exclaimed. He was about to punch me, but a hand stopped him. Chris...

"DO NOT TOUCH HER!" Chris exclaimed.

"Why? Who is going to stop me?" Andy asked.

"I am going to stop you! You cannot touch her! She is my friend. When you mess with my friends, you mess with me!" Chris said. Andy just stood there, shoting me a glare.

"Whatever. She is not that hot..." Andy said, walking away. I just burst out laughing.

"What's your problem?" Chris asked, raising an eyebrow.

"His face!" Chris just rolled his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked. He looked worried. I smiled as I noticed he actually cared for me.

"Whatever. Let's just go to the lunchroom, okay?" Chris said.

"Okay, friendo."

"Don't call me friendo!"

"You said I was your friend!" I exclaimed smiling. "You admitted you like me!"

"No, not a bit. I have to protect you, that's my job. I just don't want them to know I am your bodyguard."

"Liar! You consider me a friend!"

"If that helps you to sleep at night..."

"You think I'm your friend! You think Louis, Harry, and I are your friends!" I teased.

"No, I don't!"

"Admit it!"

"I won't!"

"Okay. But we are your friends!"


"Whatever, Chris. We are your friends!"

"Let's just go, okay?" Chris said.

"Okay." I said simply. Even if he did not want to admit it, he liked us. He was a jerk, but he liked us. I smiled to myself and followed Chris. We walked to the hall and saw Louis waiting there.

"Hello, honey." I said.

"Hello. What are you doing with Chris?"


"Nothing. I just found her on my way." Chris explained.

"Okay. Let's go eat, Rachie-poo." Said Louis. I just smiled and followed my wonderful boyfriend.


A/N: Sorry if this is short. It is sort of a filler. Yes, a filler. A filler? Yeah, a filler. Dont worry, we will update soon!:) Love ya!:D voteee..

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