Episode 38: Desperate messures

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Josh took cover and kept shooting at agents killing one after another, Norman took cover next to josh as Derrick rushed forward still shooting at agents but they kept coming in from the back, Chris had started running to the nuke but Derrick shot at his feet to slow him down "STOP YOU FAGGOT!" Derrick yelled as Chris turned to Derrick and smirked "your too late!" Chris yelled and pressed the button starting a timer counting down from two minutes "fuck" josh mumbled and started to get up but Norman pointed his gun at josh "stay down" Norman said as josh looked at Norman "you backstabbing bitch" josh said and pulled out his revolver and pistols whipped Norman hard knocking him out "Norman turned! We gotta stop this now!" Josh yelled.

Derrick nodded as Chris came out of nowhere and tackled Derrick to the ground, Derrick pushes Chris off him and got up and punches Chris as hard as he can knocking Chris onto his ass.
"Stay down!" Derrick yelled as Chris laughed and punches Derrick in the crotch hard cussing Derrick to fall to his knees "you little shit!" Derrick yelled and head butted Chris knocking him off the scaffolding josh and Derrick ran over to the nuke as it was down to thirty second .
Josh looked around for the deactivator but couldn't find it "there's no way to deactivate the damn thing!" Josh yelled and tried to figure something out "I'll have to rip it apart from the inside" josh said and looked for a wire panel and rips it off the nuke "that is stupid you'll cause it to explode" Derrick yelled "I know" josh said and pulled out his revolver "I'm sorry.." josh said and shot Derrick in the leg causing him to fall down the scaffold.
"No!" Derrick yelled looking up.
"Take care of my kids brother" josh said and forced a smiled faintly "NO YOU TAKE CARE OF THEM DAMN IT!" Derrick cried out "just know this brother, you were always the one to pull me out of the darkest of times. We are forever the vercetti brothers in life or death no hell will change the fact that your my brother" josh cropped onto the nuke as it started to blast off.

"No!!" Derrick cried out trying to stand up holding onto his leg "DONT FUCKING DO IT!!" Derrick yelled.

Josh looked around still holding onto the nuke he was about two hundred feet into the sky as he pulls out his revolver and pointed it into the open wire hole "goodbye, Nicole, Ivar, lavender TJ and Derrick my time has come LIVE ON!!!" Josh yelled shooting the wires causing the nuke to explode in the air, the blast radius was so large that it practically caused a vortex in the ocean creating small tsunamis that crash into the land the after explosion caused super sonic waves that caused buildings to crumble in a ten mile radius.
Derrick held onto the rails trying to keep standing as Chris had walked over to him and slit his throat with a rusty knife the cut wasn't deep at all so it wouldn't kill him "stitch his ads up and arrest him" Chris demanded.


As ivar was being taken to Sandy shore to meet with tj about hunting Chris down he had received a call from derricks prison "yea what?" Ivar asked "Derrick vercetti has escaped" the warden said on the phone

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