Episode 13: Vercetti mansion Siege

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-moments before the explosion-

Derrick was trying to pick the lock of the door "it's not fucking budging!" Derrick yelled as josh walked up to the door and moved Derrick before josh kicked the door off the hinges, josh grabbed onto Tim and Derrick as they all rushed out of the clubhouse before it exploded, the impact of the explosion threw the three onto the ground.
Josh sat up after the smoke cleared as he looked around receiving a message from Chuck, josh had picked up his phone and saw a photo of lavender and Mae tied up back to back with guns pointed at their heads.
"That bastard is going after my child again!!" Josh got up and walked to his bike angrily as he got on his bike and drove off.

-vercetti mansion-

Chuck tossed the phone into the trash before setting the insides of the trashcan on fire, Chuck walked to Kyle "get all bikers on look out, vercetti will be here soon" Chuck said as Kyle nodded as he ran outside where a bunch of bikers were "listen up meat bags, the vercetti brothers are on their way, which means you all are to not let him inside those gates you are ordered to shoot on sight am I understood" Kyle yelled.

-outside vercetti mansion-

Josh pulled over by a garage near by, he got off his bike and walked to the garage and opened it up where an armored truck was stashed, Derrick and the others show up and look at josh, Derrick and Tim walk to josh "let us help" Derrick said "stay out of my way" josh said and opens the driver door.
"No we're brothers, we don't leave each other behind, you go in alone and that's a suicide mission, brothers stick together" Derrick said as josh broke down in tears "I can't lose another person damn it! Just stay out of my way" josh got into the truck and started it up.
Derrick walked over to the passenger Swiss and got in.
"No you go I go end of story, let's go avenge Nicole's death now" Derrick said loading his revolver as josh drove out of the garage and drove towards the gate, josh sped the truck up ramming through the gate running over a bunch of bikers as he crashed into the doorway of the mansion.
Trevor, Tim Norman and Franklin run in behind the truck shooting at bikers "GO TAKE THEM OUT" Tim yelled.

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