Episode 16:Vercetti inc!

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Chris walked into the hide out as Mae walked over to him and hugged him "it's so nice to see you" Mae said with a smile as she pulled away "hey momma" Chris said with a smile "what do you want with us?" Derrick asked "I'm here on behalf of father here I got his letter I'll read it" Chris said and pulled out a letter with paper work attached "dear children of your reading this you've managed to make a name for yourselves so you two are ready for the next step in your journey, for my first born Joshua I leave you my mechanic shop and my vast collection of cars as you were my son who had interests in cars like your old man and to my youngest Derrick I leave my two strip clubs in your hands as I know how much you loved women you were a player just like your old man, and for the both of you I leave all of Vercetti incorporated and the vercetti crime family in your hands I can't tell you how much I'm proud of you two, from here on out you both will live like kings" Chris read the letter and handed josh and Derrick keys to their new businesses "do as you please with them" Chris said and smiled.
"And before I go I'd like agent Kara Grey out of custody here" Chris said as Derrick walked to the room and let Kara free

-a few days-

Derrick walked up to a strip club and walked into the club, people were dancing to the music while watching the strippers on the pole as Derrick looked around and smiled "I feel at home already" Derrick said as a stripper walked to Derrick "you must be the new boss~" the stripper said and got real close to him "yes yes I am and you are?" Derrick asked "you can call me Cheetah" she said with a smile as she took him to a private room.

-Vice city mechanic shop-

Josh finished putting on his jumpsuit as he walked over to his Gauntlet classic as he smiled softly and lifted the hood and pulled the engine rack to him and attached the pulley to the engine and pulled the stock engine out of the car as a worker walked to hun "hey boss need help?" The worker asked "sure, can you order a new engine?" Josh asked as the worker nods "on it" the worker walked away.

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