Episode 29: Las Vercetti

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-a few months after the arrest-

An FIN agent was running in a dark hall away from someone in fear "no! No stay back!" The FIB agent cried out as a female was following him holding onto a rather large knife she managed to catch up as she stabs the FIB agent in the side causing him to fall over "tell me what you know" she said and gripped onto the guys throat "I know nothing Nicole!" The agent cried out in fear "not what I wanted to hear" Nicole said and stabbed the guy in the throat leaving a huge gash in his neck, she pulled the knife out.

Nicole got onto the comms "Kara this agent didn't know a thing moving onto the next" Nicole said before leaving the abandoned hospital.


Josh and Derrick walked into the cafeteria holding their lunch "five months here and still no protection" josh said as they both sat at a table in the corner Lance ended up walking to the table with a evil smirk on his face.
"Well well well why isn't it tommy bots brats" Lance sat down at the table. "What do you want Vance?" Derrick asked "I couldn't help but notice y'all sitting alone again it's what the fifth month now?" Lance asked while holding onto a wooden shank he grabbed the back of joshs head "I would hate for something to happen to the famous vercetti brothers oh wait no I won't" Lance laughed and stabbed josh in the right eye "ahh Fuck!!" Josh screamed in pain as blood gushed all over the table.

Derrick got up and punches Lance in the face hard as a bunch of lances gangsters rush over to them each of them started beating on josh and derrick.

-a few hours-

Josh was laying in a hospital bed as the doctor got done with eye surgery "the eye transplant was a success, you still won't be able to see it's just for looks, that scar over your eyelid and down your cheek will be permanent" the doctor said and gave josh medications "take this twice a day for a month straight I'll check up on you in a week" the doctor said.

-new anchor-

Chris walked into the news room "alright your on air"  the news man said as Chris walked into the camara "good morning America I am FIB agent Chris vercetti, I come to you with a message from the great tommy vercetti" Chris said and played a radio tape.
"If your hearing this message i am dead and I have hidden my treasure, If you want my treasure you can have it! You just have to find it!!" Tommy yelled. The recording was clearly edited.

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