Episode 12: Final straw! Onto the final battle!!

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Josh Derrick and Tim were on the road riding their bikes heading towards the slots main clubhouse josh was a few feet ahead of Tim and Derrick, josh was eager to end Chuck and kyle, they turned Down the street that the clubhouse was but they stopped a block away josh had gotten off his bike and looked at Derrick "we walk from here so we don't alert them" josh stated "alright sounds good" Derrick replied.

-outpost beta-

Trevor pulled over and got off his bike as he looked back and Norman and Franklin "let's make our friends proud let's take this place down quick so we can assist them in the final battle" Trevor stated "Ight homie let's go" Franklin said as they walked towards the empty outpost Trevor looked around "damn place is empty again" Trevor stated as he looked around "seems like it." Norman said.
Suddenly the gates get slammed shut as Trevor turned to the gate "shit it's an ambush" Trevor yelled as smoke grenades were thrown into the compound "TAKE COVER" Norman yells as the three of them take cover "if the two places we raided were empty that means the others might be running into a trap" Franklin yelled "shit!" Trevor yelled.

-main clubhouse-

Josh Derrick and Tim searched the clubhouse flipping tables over, completely trashing the clubhouse "they knew we were coming, both fucking times" josh said and kicked the wall hard "which means someone's working on the inside but who??" Tim asked.
"Who you might ask" Kara's voice was heard on the loudspeakers inside the clubhouse as Derrick looked around "what? I trusted this chick" Derrick grunted "you have fallen into our trap, now that you've fell for it bye bye boys" Kara said and hung up the speaker.
Josh heard a timer ticking "oh shit this place is gonna blow!!" Tim yelled "we need to get out!" Derrick yelled as they rushed to the door which was locked from the outside "shit shit shit!" Derrick yelled trying to break the door down.

-outpost beta-

Trever had gotten the gate open, as soon as they got out of the compound there were no one in sight "fuck" Trevor said as he looked to the sky towards the main clubhouse seeing smoke from the clubhouse exploding "no..." Trevor said "what what?" Norman asled "we lost" Trevor stared pointing to the smoke.

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