Episode 33: Survival!!!

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Josh and Derrick look down at the watch seeing that there was only twelve people left "damn most of them died off fast, we killed about ten of them" josh said and looked up seeing two people running towards a supply drop "now" Derrick said as josh presses a button that ignited Explosives that blow up the two people and the supply drop "ten remaining" josh said and looks around hearing shooting from the East "nope eight now Derrick stated.

Derrick looks up and stands up "only two hours of light left" Derrick said as josh nods "then let's prepare to go dark we got the only night goggles let's utilize em" josh said as Derrick nodded.


Josh and Derrick finished setting up their night goggles, the remaining six were nearly in the center of the arena area as josh and Derrick pulls out their guns hearing a bunch of gun fire go off josh looks around and sees a helicopter flying in gunning down the last six contestants "the fuck?" Josh asked and looked up at the chopper as it landed "come on let's go!" Nicole and Kara yelled as josh and Derrick ran to the chopper and got in "how did you find us?" Josh asked.
"Your crazy wife" Kara jokingly said as josh looks at Nicole "what did you do?" Josh asked angry still hurt by her being an agent with the FIB "I may or may not have killed a lot of Agents to find you" Nicole admitted "this doesn't mean your forgiven yet" josh said and looked out the window "cmon give her some slack she's trying" Kara said.

-FIb HQ-

"Chris we have an issue this was sighted just now" an agent hands him a picture of a Helicopter getting josh and Derrick "SHIT" Chris yelled "send every fucking agent out I don't care who I want those two alive!" Chris yelled.

-news HQ-

"This is breaking news, dangerous criminals Derrick vercetti and Joshua vercetti were spotted escaping a high security prison this evening, if you see these two please call your local Police department may god be with your souls" the news reporter explained as well showing a large bounty on their mug shots of two billion dollars each.

Rise of the vercetti brothers:a new world Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant