Chapter 5 Part 9: The Good, The Bad, And The Blackened

Start from the beginning

"That's really fucking stupid." Yamazaki said. Kawata took a deep breath, holding it in for a couple of seconds, and then letting it out with a sigh.

"Well, that's how things work. If you really want to be put into the sacrifice dome, I can do that for you right now." Kawata replied. Yamazaki scoffed, turning his head away.

"... I guess..." Yamazaki mumbled.

"Alright, you're all dismissed." Kawata said, walking away. Otani sighed, looking at me.

"Well, let's head up-" Otani started.

"HEY WAIT!!!" Sugai yelled, running over to Otani. "I WAITED FOR BREAKFAST, I'M GONNA GET IT!!!"

"Um, Sugai, I don't really think I can right now-" Otani began. Suddenly, Sugai grabbed onto his leg, holding on tight. Otani sighed, looking over at me. "Okay Hirano, I've gotta help out Sugai. Head up there. When you were gone, Imamura and I moved something in there. It's really important, so you've got to go through it. Do you know where the key is?"

"U- um, yeah." I said. "But uh, won't Kawata find me all by myself?"

"I doubt he'll be able to. It's a secret." Otani smiled. "Alright! I'll leave it to you then." Otani said, before moving his leg awkwardly, trying his best to not hurt Sugai when he took a step. Yamazaki stared at me skeptically, before begrudgingly following them inside of the dining hall. Arima took a moment to wave slightly to me, almost seeming conflicted, before running right after them.

I glanced at the door for a moment, shaking my head back and forth. Alright, I've got something to do? I sighed, walking over to the stairs and climbing them up to the floor with the library on it. Following the steps, I went into the library, opening the bottom drawer on the left side of the desk, scrambling through a pile of papers until I found the key. My hand glided over to the bookshelf, feeling for the small latch. I flicked it open, looking at the camera. I put the key in the moment the camera drifted away. The door opened, and I raced inside, closing it behind me as I turned on the light. I took a deep breath, stepping further into the room.

That's when I noticed it. A small USB stick. Is this what Otani was talking about? I picked it up, looking it over. On the side of it was a single word. Pass. What does that mean? Wait... I've seen this before! I stared at it for a moment. I gasped, nearly dropping it the floor, before placing it on the desk so that wouldn't happen. I put both of my hands over my mouth. This... this is the flash drive Taguchi had! The one he showed us before the second trial! I picked it up once again. But, where had it been hidden? And why are we only finding it now?

Quickly, I turned on the computer. The five blank lines appeared on screen again. I sighed. I don't think Araigu is here anymore. Since we took out their the chip. I shook my head back and forth, quickly shoving the flash drive into the laptop. Suddenly, a small side bar loaded on the side of the screen. Four documents were in the small side of the laptop. Slowly, I pulled over the small chair in the room, and sat down. I clicked on the first one, staring in silence at the document. It seemed to be an email conversation that had been copy and pasted into this format. I took a deep breath, starting to read through it.

Authors Note: Hey guys! Sorry to stop the immersion, but I wanted to say that the next couple of things are info dumps. I'd give you this information more spread out, but it doesn't make sense narratively to do so. Take as many pauses you like to process the information. Alright, back to immersion!

"Dear Yasui Kohaku,

I'm super confused. Hano Yoshiko is going to Yuutsumi? As a serial killer? I know they've begun a rehabilitation program, but I don't think that's a good idea. I don't think yet understand that this woman killed 217 people! And an additional 56 if you count the unconfirmed deaths. Maybe try this whole rehabilitation program on a more stable criminal first? I don't know, it just feels like the executives are becoming dumber and dumber. What's your opinion on this?

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