Failure doesn't come from trying.

Depuis le début

"Think that's about the time he let those wolves raise us," Kayce tried to joke, though there was a seriousness to his tone.

"John...since we're...talking," Oakley leaned forward.

Tate came back to the table with the kid's drinks and this time sat down by John.

"Yeah?" John looked at Oakley.

"Kayce's trying to get the office staffed more so he can be a little more present here with us," Oakley said. "But until that can happen...would you ever think about maybe helping me out some?"

"With the ranch?" John asked as if to make sure he knew what Oakley was asking.

"Just for a few weeks," Oakley nodded. "I'm..."

She glanced at Kayce and even Tate, figuring these two boys of hers could understand what she was about to say.

"I'm struggling," Oakley admitted, feeling Kayce's hand on her thigh now. "I need some help...and I know you're retired, but you know this place better than all of us, and if I could get you two days a week to look at the books and think through some things with me."

"Two days a week, huh?" John nodded.

"If you're up for it," Oakley continued. "You obviously don't have to."

"Oakley," John looked at her. "You're my family. Of course, I'll help you out."

Immediate relief flowed through Oakley's muscles in her shoulders. She smiled brightly at John.

"Thank you," Oakley said.

"She still calls the shots, Dad," Kayce joined in, making everyone look at him.

"Kayce," Oakley said.

"I understand, son," John nodded, holding up his hands.

"Alright," Kayce eyed him and Oakley frowned.

"We can start next week," John looked at Oakley. "Since he'll be gone."

"How do you know I'll be gone?" Kayce asked him.

"It's that time of year," John said. "And there's still not much I don't know about, son."

"Wait-" Kayce tried but Oakley cut him off.

"Kids!" Oakley called out and the twins came back over, Evelyn had a blue bear in her hand.


Oakley passed by the doorway into the bathroom again and saw that Kayce hadn't moved from where he was looking into the mirror. She stopped this time and leaned against the frame, crossing her arms. A frown on her lips as she took in Kayce's tense stance, his white t-shirt stretched across his shoulders.

"Kayce?" Oakley said softly.

Kayce looked back over his shoulder without turning around completely.

"What's wrong?" Oakley asked him.

"Nothing in particular," Kayce mumbled.

"Then why are you staring at yourself?" Oakley pushed off from the frame and walked over to stand next to him. "Not that you ain't pretty."

Kayce gave her a soft smile.

"I don't like Dad coming back to work," Kayce said and Oakley could tell he didn't like admitting it to her. 

"I know," Oakley nodded. "But I need the help...I can't tell you how much weight lifted off my chest this evening with John saying he'd help me."

"I just feel..." Kayce trailed off.

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