chap 34

782 33 4

       Dhruv took Vikram to his cafe after returning from Vidhya's house and spend his day there as he didn't want to put his mind into thinking about the past.

In the evening Gayathri came and took Vikram along with her as she wanted her nephew to be close to her. She loves him so much and spends most of her time with him.

In the evening Dhruv closed the Cafe soon as his mood wasn't that cheerful. He went back home and went to his granny's room where she is sleeping.

The doctor has said she doesn't have much time with her. It hurted him a lot when the doctor revealed her health condition but now he has come to terms everyone must die one day and now her time has come. He caressed her cheeks and kissed her forehead and left the room silently not wanting to disturb her.

He went to his room and laid on the bed to sleep as he doesn't want any unwanted thoughts to bother him. Soon sleep engulfed him.

Vidhya came back early from her firm as she knew well that her man is surely going to be upset after he decided that he would speak to his bua about everything.  He really wanted her to meet granny one last time but he is not sure whether she will come.

Vidhya freshened up and made herself comfortable in Dhruv's embrace. He kissed her forehead making her realize he is awake.

She looked at his face and stroked his cheeks.

" are you okay " she asked him while his eyes are still closed. He hummed in response,  she sighed and snuggled more into him and held him tightly.

" everything is going to be fine " she mumbled quietly and laid there along with him.

The next day morning vidhya woke up in Dhruv's embrace. He was sleeping peacefully so she did not have the heart to wake him up. When she checked the time its already 9 A.M so she woke up slowly without disturbing him and went out after her morning routine.

Vidhya opened the door and came out of her room and closed it so Dhruv doesn't wake up hearing the noise outside.  As vidhya was walking towards the kitchen Gayathri commented at her.

" what vidhya... long night it seems... you woke verrrry late " Gayathri dragged teasing vidhya.

" ofcourse your brain always thinks such things what can I do... but I really want why the hell Dhruv has the video of you and my brother kissing in pub " Vidhya talked back without looking back at her.

As she wasn't hearing any response or insult back from Gayathri vidhya said  " what cat caught your tounge di " and turned back to look at her.

Shocked would be an understatement Vidhya's whole family was sitting and now every eyes is on Gayathri and Vidhya.

" may I know which brother of yours was kissing Gayathri " Nithya asked vidhya. Vidhya cleared her throat and looked elsewhere.

" I thought I was being careful " Gayathri said out loud.

" None of us can escape from bhai's eyes. " Krishna said chuckling.

" Vidhu.... " Dhruv screamed from his room making Vidhya roll her eyes.

" look your lover boy is calling for you... he can't even stay away from you " Gayathri teased Vidhya.

" and your lover boy is eating you with his eyes. Ask him to blink atleast once " Vidhya retorted back and went to her room. While others looked at Gayathri for an answer.

" it's your second son Aadhit " Gayathri said making everyone look at eachother.

Dhruv's father was not at home when Vidhya's family came home. So they called him to be back soon.

Soon Binoy ( Dhruv's papa ) came home and Kavya was shocked seeing him. She still remember it was he who helped her to escape that day.

" bhai... it's you " Kavya mumbled.

" yeah it's me. " Binoy said.

" but... Dhruv... " Kavya couldn't form words properly.

" I took care of everything in your absence Kavya . Yeah what dhruv tried to do was wrong but won't do it again I can garentee " he said while kavya shook her head.

That's when Dhruv came out of his room screaming at vidhya.

" you don't love me at all . Your love for me has reduced immensely.  I'm going to file a case against you for this. "

" what does she think about herself " Dhruv blabbered like a mad man.

" I'm glad she threw you out of room again " Gayathri said slowly.

" maa see na she threw me out aga... " Before Dhruv could complete complaining to his mom  he realized the people around him.

" hope my little girl is torturing you well " Yagan said to Dhruv with a sly smile.

" I love her the way she is " Dhruv replied back winking at him making him roll his eyes at him.

" shall we meet mom Dhruv " Kavya questioned Dhruv to which he nodded his head.

" this way please " he said and took her to the room.


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