chap 29

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   " Vidhya stop... " Aadhav said making vidhya stop on her tracks. Vidhya turned and looked at her brother who look totally defeated.

" It's nothing to worry Anna... everything is fine " Vidhya tried to reason out.

" what is fine Vidhya... nothing is " he said looking at her. He looked at his wife Divya who was unable to meet his eyes.

" I'm sorry Vidhya " he said joining his hands together with tears in his eyes and left from there.

" Anna... " before Vidhya could say something he left from there. Others were unable to comprehend anything. Never in their dreams anyone thought  such kind of thing would happen in their own house.

Vidhya turned towards Dhruv and looked at him in anger.

" You promised you wouldn't reveal these things to anyone " she accused him.

" Not when someone is manhandling you. He should have controlled his anger " Dhruv reasoned out.

" he is my brother " Vidhya yelled at Dhruv.

" That doesn't give him rights to manhandle you " he said nonchalantly making her anger reach it's peak.

" you fucking prick " Vidhya tried to  launch on him but was holded by Gayathri.

" I swear Dhruv I will make you face the consequences for this " she warned him.

" I'm ready to face them " he said dismissively irritating her. She kicked him on his leg making him wince in pain and left from there.

" why didn't you inform atleast me about any of this " Yagan asked Dhruv, who just shrugged at his question.

Yagan kicked him in the same place where Vidhya has kicked him making him fall on the couch holding his leg in pain.

" All devils are around me dancing on my head playing with me and my life " Dhruv blabbered in pain.

" you didn't even try to indicate me about such thing happening in my own family " Yagan scolded him.

" It wasn't my mistake that you weren't paying attention to your own family members and inaddition to that you never asked " Dhruv said uninterested making Yagan more irritated .

" Okay now can you tell about my family members about whom I have no idea something is happening in their life " Yagan asked him sighing.

" what would I get in return " Dhruv asked acting innocently.

" absolutely nothing from me " Yagan said smirking , Dhruv looked at him uninterested.

" Kavin ( kavya and Ashwin's son ) might be involved in killing Nithyashree's husband " Dhruv said looking at Yagan.

" what.... " Yagan asked shockingly

" other than this I don't want to say anything ask him , now let me go and get some ointment for my legs " Dhruv said walking away limping....

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