IX. Fire & Blood, part 1

Start from the beginning

"What will we do, brother?" Kevan asked, although a part of him already knew the answer.

"We have a few hours before the crack of dawn. Round up the men and the archers, get them all ready before the sky changes colour" he ordered, his hands moving to be placed behind his back.

"Can we trust her plan?" Gerion asked, being unfamiliar with the Dragon Princess; other than a few rumours here and there.

"Once this is all over, remind me to make you play a game of Cyvasse with her. Then, you will understand" was Tywin's reply and motioned for the two men to start getting ready.

He turned his back on their retreating forms and looked outside the window, the forest and land around Casterly Rock barely visible under the cloak of the night. Tywin had never truly relied on someone, especially during a battle but he knew he had to begin somewhere.

Thankfully for him, Visenya was the only person he would most likely make such an exception and trust on a battle plan that he did not know of. He respected Visenya and one could say that he went as far as to trust her, to a certain degree; far more than others around him.

If anyone else had been at her place, he would have refused to listen but at that moment; he was glad it was Visenya.


The first rays of the sun had barely started to become visible behind the mountains and hills that surrounded them. Visenya stood on top of her horse in full armour, her and the Lannister men right behind her; most cloaked by the forest and the night.

She eyed the land ahead of them and in the distance; one could see the faint silhouettes of the enemy. Their army had been already up, mostly on guard but also waiting to handle them. She knew that a part of that army kept an eye on Casterly Rock.

Only a fool would put all of his forces to face one enemy when he was having to deal with two. Either way, Pitt knew her army was bigger and thus his own had more soldiers focused on facing her instead.

Perfect, Visenya had thought as she watched the sky.

In one hand, she held a bow while the quiver was hanging by the left side of her saddle. Using her free hand, she lifted it and motioned with her fingers for the first part of the plan.

1/3 of her army, all on horseback, charged with a war cry. The hooves of horses running downhill towards the plains made the whole earth shake while the dust was being kicked off behind them.

Pitt had ordered his men to prepare their arrows and sent the first wave but the Targaryen and Lannister soldiers lifted their shields up with their one hand and blocked the attack; a few falling victims to the piercing tips of the arrows.

Then, the Bastard Lion lifted his sword and ordered his men to charge; himself too cowardly to actually ride first. With a war cry, the men he had right behind him started to lead their horses to meet the incoming enemy; the archers and most of the knights that were on foot had stayed behind.

The two sides clashed blade against blade and man against man. As the sky above them turned a lighter colour, the visibility around them became clearer while the men fought. However, when the battle was about to become truly heated, the royal army pulled back.

"Retreat!" one of the generals under Visenya shouted, slicing the legs of an enemy's horse before leading his way out of the battle.

His men followed suit, some falling victims but the majority took down soldiers as they went. Men whose horses had fallen during battle, rushed on foot to escape as their brothers on horses either helped or covered them.

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