Chapter One

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Chapter One


The rain was pounding on the car glass. I knew I shouldn't be driving in this weather. And it was getting dark outside But the boys needed me. So I drove in my little car in the pouring rain. The radio was on. But I wasn't listening. My thoughts were in a chaos inside my head. I tried to focus on driving, but my mind wouldn't let me. It kept on hitting me with new thoughts, thoughts I didn't want to think. Didn't want to remember.

I was in the middle of a flashback when there was a light. It was coming towards me. It was gonna hit me. I turned the wheel and the car span around before stopping. I just sat there. My grip on the wheel tight. I stared blankly ahead. Am I dead?

Someone knocked on the car glass. “Are you okay?” I turned my head to look at him. A man in the beginning of the twenties were standing outside. He's eyes were full of concern and guilt. Those eyes.. “Are you okay miss?” Miss? Dude, really? I nodded silently. My jaw dropped a little. That face. Damn, was he a model on the way home from a set or something?

“Are you sure?” The rain poured on him but he didn't seem to notice. He was in a suit. A black one. He's dark hair was wet from the rain. Those dark lashes surrounded the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen. That jawline..

“Miss?” He frowned and opened the car door. “Are you alright? Are you hurt?” He asked and cupped my face in his wet hands. I nodded silently again. “Please say something.” Am I dreaming? Am I having a blackout? Am I dead?

“I-I'm al-alright..” I stammered and shivered. “Did you hit your head?” He asked while his eyes looked over my face. Then down my body. “You don't seem to be injured. Can you drive?” I looked around. “Um.. yeah.. I think so..” I stammered and pulled my fingers through my hair. “Are you sure?” He asked and looked worried. I nodded.

“Daniel! Where are you? Come back right now!” I looked toward the other car. A model looking young woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes sat in the car and leaned a little outside to yell at the young man, Daniel.

“I'm coming!” He yelled back to her, then looked back at me. “I'm sorry. Are you sure you're okay?” I nodded. “Daniel!” The woman yelled again. He sighed and stood up straight. He pulled a hand through his hair. “DANIEL!” Someone was a little demanding. “Again, I'm so sorry.” He said before returning to the car, and the woman. He got in the car, glanced one last time at me, then drove away.

What just happen?

I just sat there for a while. An hour. Thinking about what just happened. I was driving, a car was coming right at me, I turned the wheel, the car spun around, it stopped. I was alive. Then the young man came, Daniel. Damn he was hot. It was all I could think. He almost hit me with his car.. but all I could think about was how hot he was. What's wrong with me?


“Please say something” I whispered and looked right into her eyes. She just sat there and starred blankly at me. “I-I'm al-alright..” She stammered. Her body was shaking. She was in shock. “Did you hit your head?” I asked and looked for injurious. She looks fine. Er, I mean, she looks like she isn't injured. She was beautiful though.. She had a cute heart shaped face. Long brown hair. Big brown eyes with long lashes around them..

“You don't seem to be injured. Can you drive?” She pulled away and looked around. I got aware of my hands that cupped her face. I let them fall down to my side. I cleared my throat. “Um.. yeah.. I think so..” She stammered and pulled her hand through her hair. I wanted to do that. “Are you sure?” I asked and tilted my head. She just nodded. Without saying anything.

“Daniel! Where are you? Come back right now!” Jessica yelled from inside the car. I rolled my eyes. “I'm coming!” Damn she's annoying.. “I'm sorry. Are you sure you're okay?” She just nodded again. “Daniel!” I sighed and shook my head a little. Just till we get home. Then it's over. I straightened up and pulled a hand through my hair. “DANIEL!” Shut up, shut up, shut up.. “Again, I'm so sorry.” I said and turn away.

I walked over to the car. Jessica looked pissed. I sighed and opened the car door. I sat inside and shut the door. I looked over at the girl in the car. She just sat there starring at nothing.

“What are you waiting for? Drive.” Jessica hissed and crossed her arms. I sighed, rolled my eyes at her and started driving. I turned on the radio so I didn't have to listen to her. She kept on babbling about some girl she couldn't stand. All I could think about was that girl. What's wrong with me?

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