I know your secret

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Astrid has been quiet ever since she woke up. I wonder if she knows. I'm fucked if she actually heard what I said. Today I'm watching the kids as Astrid went to work. She is closing today so she won't come home until dinner time.

Jace came over so we can talk.

"Have you heard anything?" he asked and I nodded my head. "No but I think Astrid knows." I sighed and his mouth dropped. "Michael! How!" He screeched and I sighed again." I kinda whispered it to her." He face palmed and sighed.

"Michael. You gotta be more fucking careful. If she knows, You know she's not gonna take this lightly." He looked at me, very disappointed and I looked down. "I know. I know. It's just. I was having a mental breakdown. I'm scared dude."

This time he sighed and nodded. "I know. I'm sorry. It's okay. We have to figure it out." I then nodded and played with Raelynn.


I've been overthinking everything since this morning. My coworkers have noticed me acting strange but like I can't help it. What Michael have said has really been eating me up.

As I was making other orders, someone walked up to my lane. I didn't check who it was until I finished the order. "How can I he-" I was about to say until I saw who it was. "Hi Astrid. How you doing?" the person asked and smirked. It's Crystal.

"What are you doing here? How did you find out where I worked?" I asked quietly but frantic. She continued to smirk. "You know. I've been trying to find you for months now. Since there's too much people here, I ain't gonna do anything right now." She chuckled. "I'll be back, Astrid. Enjoy life while you can." She walked out while laughing.

I sighed and rushed to the back, sitting on the floor. I started to hyperventilate and started to cry. Man everything is such a mess. One of my coworkers walked in and immediately left. After ten minutes Michael came rushing in and held me. Man I guess they don't know what to do that they decided to call Michael.

"It's okay Astrid. I'm here." He whispered and I just kept crying. I couldn't calm down. My heart is racing. I feel like shit. Why was she here!

"Michael. Why didn't you tell me about Crystal!" I yelled and he flinched. "I'm so sorry. I didn't want to worry you." He said, holding my hand. "Michael. She was here! She was here, Michael!" I yelled again and he sighed, holding me again but tighter. "I'm so sorry.."

After 30 minutes, I decided to just go home with Michael. I couldn't stay there anymore. But also it wasn't good since we were still open.

Once we got home, I immediately went to our shared room and laid on the bed. Fuck Crystal.


Once Astrid went to the room, Jace immediately walked up to me. "What happened Michael?" He asked a bit concerned. I sighed and we both walked over to the couch, sitting down. "She knows but to mke it worst, Crystal went to our work place. Astrid ended up having a mental breakdown." Jace hugged me and I was numb.

I don't know what to do anymore. Astrid can't go to work anymore. Crystal already knows where we work and it's just getting too much. I'm so worried for Astrid.

After an hour of talking with Jace, he left and the kids took a nap on the couches. I walked over to Astrid and I's room and saw how she is curled up. I could hear her small whimpers. I sighed and walked over to the bed, slowly laying down. I wrapped my arm around her stomach and brought her close.

"Baby. I'm really sorry." I whispered but she didn't respond. "I feel like this is all my fault. I feel like cause of me, Crystal is making your life a living hell." I whispered again. She held my hand and cried softly.

"This isn't your fault. This was never your fault." She turned around and looked at me with tears running down her face. "Please don't ever blame yourself for this. I love you so much. Our kids love you so much. Please don't ever blame yourself." At this point I was also crying. I brought her face to my chest and held her close.

"I love you too Astrid. So much. I'm so lucky to have you in my life." I whispered and she nodded slowly.

It's true that I'm very much in love with her. This shit sucks and I feel like I'm not doing anything to protect her. I'm so fucking lost. I need help. We can't go to the police because there isn't any physical proof that Crystal is harming us or is gonna harm us. I'm stuck. I'm sorry Astrid. I'm really sorry.

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