There's no way

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Two months has passed. This sickness has taken a really big toll. Just one more month. I'm getting very tired each day. Michael has been nothing but a great support. He's always checking up on me, feeding me, and watching Raelynn. She also has been trying to cheer me up. My own heart. She's gonna grow up to be an amazing woman.

"Good morning, my love. How did you sleep?" Michael walked in with food and smiled. "Awe you didn't have too. I could've at least went to the kitchen." I mentioned but he shook his head.

"You aren't feeling well so I don't want you to move around so much." I nodded and smiled while he put the tray on my lap. "To answer your question, I've slept well. But also good morning to you too." I giggled and he pecked my forehead. "I'll be back." He said and rushed out.

I started to eat my food until I see Michael and Raelynn with a plate of food in their hands. "Since you can't really move, we have decided to eat with you. Hopefully you don't mind." Both of them sat on the bed.

"You guys are honestly the sweetest. I love you both." I smiled and all three of us started to eat. Times like this really do make me feel better. I don't know why this pregnancy is much more difficult but gotta stay positive. Only one more month.

After an hour, Michael has left with Raelynn to go to the park so I could rest. I got up and and slowly walked to the bathroom while holding my stomach. "Man this is such a bitch." I groaned.

I turned on the water once I reached the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes. I felt the water and went in. This is what I needed. Warm water hitting my skin and just relaxing.

After another hour, I got out and got dressed, laying on the bed right after. I feel so weak to the point where I can't even walk for long periods of time. I decided that I'm gonna just nap and wait for the both of them to come back.


I went to the park with Raelynn as I want her to go out more. Once we reached the park, she immediately went to the playground. I sat on the bench and sighed. Today is such a good day. Nice weather. Actually it's perfect. I watched Raelynn play until she rushed over to me.

"Daddy. Play" She said and I nodded. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the playground. Both of us were playing until a kid (who looked about her age) came by and she just left me to play with the kid. "Well that's mean." I sighed and walked back to the bench. I continued to watch her until I heard a voice speak right next to me.

"Hi Michael. Long time no see." The voice has said and my heart stopped. I immediately looked to my side and saw the person that I didn't expect to see. It's Crystal. IT'S FUCKING CRYSTAL!

"What the actual fuck! How the fuck did you find me?! But also why are you here!" I yelled at her while standing up. "There's no need to raise your voice at me. I just wanted to see you." She smirked at me. "There's no fucking way. Is that your kid over there?" She nodded and continued to smirk.

"You have a cute kid. Looks so much like Astrid. How is she doing anyways?" She asked. "Shut the fuck up. Don't ever say her name again." I said and rushed over to Raelynn and carried her, rushing to my car. "You will regret this, Michael! Both of you are!" she yelled out and I just ignored her.

I drove away and rushed inside the house once I got there. Fuck. This shit can't happen again.


I woke up to the door slamming shut. I got up immediately and woddled to the living room. "Michael. What happened?" I looked at him while rubbing my eyes. He rushed to me and hugged me gently. "I don't know how but Crystal found us."

My face turned white. "Are you serious?" I asked and he nodded. "For fuck sakes." My eyes start to water, tears now streaming down my face. "I can't deal with this again Michael! Especially with the kids!" I yelled while crying. He rubbed my back, trying to soothe me.

"It will be okay. We will figure out a way." He said and I just kept crying.

I can't do this again. I can't handle this anymore. I'm worried that something might happen to me, Michael, or the kids. I wish this isn't happening. I'm so scared.

Unpredictable - {M.C.}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora