My two angels

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It's been 4 days since I have given birth to Raelynn. My sweet angel. Today I was able to go home. This feeling that I'm feeling is something I never thought I would feel. My heart is so full. I feel so happy. Jace and Mika visited me in the hospital and they were over the moons for her. I could tell they have fallen in love.

Once we got home, I pumped out milk and rest because Michael told me to even though I didn't want too. I fall more in love with Michael everyday. I'm so lucky to have my two angels in my life.


While Astrid went to go take a nap, I looked after Raelynn. She looks like her mother. Very beautiful. I can't help but feel so emotional. I love them both so much. Raelynn started to cry so I fed her the milk that Astrid pumped before she went to bed. After a bit, Raelynn fell asleep in my arms and I put her down in the crib gently.

Today the album has finally released. I haven't told Astrid yet but I have to go back to LA for a bit. Hopefully she will understand. I also posted the the photo of the three of us as well. The fans were so happy. The boys also called and congratulated me. The girls also did the same but with Astrid.

Everything has just been going good. No drama, nothing. I've never been this happy in awhile and I know Astrid is feeling it too. I'm very much grateful for the life I have.


After 4 hours, I woke up and went to get something to eat in the kitchen. Once I finished eating, I walked over to Raelynn's room (Mind you we live in a two room apartment.) and saw Michael and Raelynn sleeping. I smiled and took a photo. I left the room and did some chores. After an hour, I hear Raelynn crying, I rushed to the room and carried her.

Michael jolted up and saw me carrying her. He smiled and stood up, walking over and pecking my forehead. "How was your sleep, my love?" I smiled. "It was good. How about you?" He chuckled and went behind me to hold me. "I just slept for 2 Minutes." I gasped and looked behind me slightly. "Babe. Please go rest."

He nodded and pecked my cheek. "When I wake up, I'll make us dinner, okay?" He said and smiled. "Okay. But go now." He chuckled again and left. I walked over to the living room with Raelynn and sat on the couch, watching tv.

After 30 minutes, there was a knock on the door. I got up and put Raelynn down on the swinger as she went back to sleep and walked over to the door, opening it. Oh. My. God. It's Skye, Blair, and Amber with Calum, Luke, and Ashton. I smiled wide and hugged the girls.

"Guys hi!" I said excitedly but quietly. "Also Skye. You are getting big!" I giggled and she smiled. I let them in and closed the door, rushing to Michael and I's room, waking up him up. "Babe. wake up. Everyone's here." He woke up in a startle and rubbed his eyes. "Who's here?" I was gonna say but the guys came in and jumped on Michael.

"Holy shit!" Michael yelled out and laughed. I smiled and let them be, walking over to the girls who has surrounded Raelynn. "Astrid. She's so fucking cute! She looks just like you but has Michael's eyes and nose!" Amber said, with a huge smile. "Ooo can we hold her?!" Blair asked, looking at me with puppy eyes.

"You guys can once she wakes up though. She just went back to sleep." I said with a small chuckle. They nodded and sat on the couch with me. "So how is being a mother now?" Skye asked while rubbing her belly. At this point the guys has came out of the room. "It's been great! She's been such an angel. rarely cries." I giggled.

Skye nodded and smiled. "That's good at least. I can't wait to be a mom." She then mentioned and I nodded. "Hey babe. Is it okay for me to go out with the guys?" Michael asked and I nodded. "Okay. Just be back before dinner." He nodded and left with them.

I looked at the girls. "I know you will be a great mom, Skye. I know our kids will be good friends." I chuckled and she did as well. "I also want to mention something. I know you are living here now but would you be willing to be part of the band again after I give birth?" Skye asked and I smiled.

"Something I've been thinking about for awhile but I don't know because aren't the guys gonna be on tour soon?" I asked and all of them sighed. "You are right because from what I have heard. We are gonna be going to tour with them again." Amber said.

"Unless I ask my dad to watch Raelynn. I would also need to talk to Michael about it too." They agreed. "I'll let you guys know in a few weeks." They nodded and now we are just tallking about our lives and random shit. But also them holding Raelynn once she woke up.

After the guys came back, the girls have left with them. Also after Michael have made dinner and us eating, we both sat down on the couch with Raelynn on the swinger. "We need to talk." We both said while looking at each other.

Unpredictable - {M.C.}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt