It's time pt. 2

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Another month has passed and this is the month that our little bean is coming. Raelynn has been very excited about it. Same with Michael. I woke up one day and felt very motivated. I got up and did what I had to do in the morning.

I walked over to the kitchen and made breakfast for all of us since both Michael and Raelynn is still asleep. Once I finished making the food, I started to set up the table. I then put the food on the plates and woddled my way to Raelynn's room. "Wake up honey. Food is ready." She started to stir in her sleep and slowly opened her eyes.

"Hi mommy." She said with a smile. "Hi my love. Get up so we can eat. I'll wake up daddy." She nodded and rushed to the table. I woddled to our room and gently shook Michael. "Wake up baby. Food is ready." He slowly opened his eyes. "You didn't have to make breakfast. I could've made it." I shook my head and smiled.

"It's okay. I got some sort of motivation today." He nodded and pecked my lips. "I'm just glad you are feeling better today. " I smiled and woddled to the dining room while Michael got ready.

Once Michael got to the table, we started eating. Once we finished that, We just hung out at the living room, watching shows and movies.

A couple hours have passed and it's now the afternoon. "I'm gonna use the bathroom." Michael nodded and continued to watch whatever is on the tv. I woddled my way to the bathroom and when I was about to sit down, I felt my water break. "Well shit." I sighed. "Michael!" I yelled out and he came rushing in.

"What happened?" He asked while looking at me. "My water broke." His eyes went wide. "Ahh shit. Okay. Are you ready?" I nodded. "Let me change my pants first." He got everything ready and changed Raelynn's clothes while I changed my pants. Time for another baby.

Once we got to the hospital, they put me in a room and I changed into a gown. The only thing I hate about being pregnant are the contractions. They hurt like a bitch. I was laying down at this point and held my stomach. "Get this baby out of me!" I said, very annoyed.

"Babe's. We gotta wait. It will be okay." He said and smiled. "Michael. Shut the fuck up. You ain't helping." He put a hand on his chest, pretending to be hurt. "How rude." I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

"It's okay. I still love you." I rolled my eyes again.

The doctor came in to check how dilated I am and smiled. "Alright Astrid. You are ready to get the epidural." I nodded. "Please hurry. This really hurts." The doctor nodded and got help from the nurse by sitting me up.

Once I got it, I laid back down and sighed. "I'm sorry Michael." He chuckled and pecked my forehead. "It's okay. Don't have to worry at all." I nodded and he held my hand while Raelynn is just sitting on the chair, using Michael's phone.


Today is the day I'm gonna be a dad again. I'm so excited. Astrid in the other hand doesn't look too happy. I mean. It is understandable. She had to deal with her sickness and the contractions. I'm proud of her for enduring it.

"Alright Astrid. Are you ready to have a baby?" The doctor asked and she nodded while smiling. They got her ready and she looked at me. "Are you okay?" She smiled and held my hand. "Yeah. I'm just happy that you are here. " I was gonna say something but the doctor beat me to it. "Alright. Start pushing."

Astrid started pushing and I whispered into her ear, "You got this baby." She continued to push but I can tell that she's very tired. She started to cry and I pecked the top of her head. "It's okay babes. They are almost here. You just gotta keep on pushing." She looked at me, still crying and nodded.

"Only one big push, Astrid" She nodded and did one big push. The room was now filled with loud cries. "It's a boy!" The doctor said and my mouth fell open. Holy shit! This is amazing! They put the baby on top of her while he was still crying and cleaned him a little. Astrid was a crying mess at this point.

She held him and I smiled. "You did so good honey!" I pecked her forehead and she gave me a small smile. They took him away to clean him more and once they finished that, They gave him back to Astrid. She looked at him and smiled. "My beautiful boy. You look so much like daddy." She giggled.

"Do you wanna hold him, Michael?" I nodded and I carefully grabbed him, admiring my son. I can't believe that I have a son. He also does look like me. I'm so happy.

I walked closer to Astrid so they can take a picture with all of us. I continued to hold our boy and looked over at Raelynn who was looking over at us. "Do you want to see your brother?" She nodded and I knelt down so she could see him better. She smiled and admired her little brother. "He's cute."

I chuckled and smiled at her. "Yes he is." The nurse smiled at the scene. "So what is his name?" I looked over at Astrid and she smiled.

"Everett. Everett Xavier Clifford." Astrid said with a big smile.

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