It's time

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Another three months has passed by pretty fast. I'm now nine months pregnant! Michael and I are so excited for our little bundle of joy to arrive. Michael have been such a great support. He literally doesn't let me do any heavy work. But also living with Michael again have been great.

I woke up today feeling happy as I have him next to me and holding onto my stomach. He is gonna be such a great dad! I slowly moved his arm off of me and waddled to the bathroom. I did my business and walked to the kitchen right after.

I went to grab one of the pots to cook some breakfast for Michael and I but I felt a big pool of water wet my pants and the floor. I looked down and gasped. Holy shit. My water just broke. "Michael!" I screamed out and he immediately rushed over to me but saw the pool of water on the floor and stopped.

"Babes. Did your water just break?'" I smiled and he smiled back but widely. "I'm gonna be a dad!" He cheered and my stomach started to hurt. When Michael saw me clench my stomach, he rushed over to me and carried me to the car.

He rushed to the hospital but he held one of my hands while I was trying to control my breathing. "Man I didn't think that this would hurt a lot." I said. "This is only temporary, my love. It's gonna be worth it at the end." He said while still looking at the road.

Once we reached the hospital, he rushed in and came out with a wheel chair. He put me on the chair and wheeled me to the front desk. "Uh hi. My fiance is in labor." Michael said in a slight panic and the nurse nodded and rushed me to a room.

I changed out of my clothes and into a gown. I laid in bed in pain as I wasn't on a certain number of dilation. I started to cry as the pain start to become worst. Michael held my hand and tried to soothe me. "It's gonna be okay baby. Once you are slightly more dilated, they will give you the epidural shot okay?" He kissed the top of my head and I nodded.


It hurts to see Astrid like this. I tried to soothe her as much as I can but she's just too much in pain. After a couple of minutes, I asked the nurse to check her. Once they did that, they left to get the doctor. They came back immediately and the doctor checked Astrid. "Okay Astrid. We will give you the epidural now. But in a couple of minutes, you will have to be ready to push." The doctor said.

She nodded and sat up. They gave her the epidural and she laid back down and left to start getting everything ready. I rushed to her side and pecked her forehead. "Are you excited, my love?" I looked at her and she smiled. She calmed down a bit and I smiled even more. "Yeah. I'm excited. Our baby is gonna be here soon."

She rubbed her belly gently and I held one of her hands. The doctor came back with two other nurses and got Astrid ready. "Are you ready?" I whispered to her and she nodded. "Okay Astrid. I need you to start pushing for me." The doctor said and she nodded again, pushing.

I pushed her hair back from her face and she squeezed my hand, pushing even more. "Okay Astrid. A few more pushes. I see their head." The doctor then said and she continued to push. I noticed how tired she is so I pecked her forehead. "Babe. you are doing great. Just keep going." I gave her a warm smile.

"But baby." She starts to cry. "I'm so tired." She said, still crying. "I know baby. But it's almost over. Our bundle of joy is almost here. All you gotta do is one big push, okay?" she looked at me and nodded but tears were still streaming down her face.

She did one more big push and it was quiet for a little bit until we heard a huge cry. Our baby is here. "It's a girl!" The doctor said and put the baby on Astrid's chest, while one of the nurses was cleaning our baby. I teared up a bit while looking at her. She's so beautiful. Astrid was a crying mess. I can tell that she was happy.

She was kissing our baby's head multiple times, while holding her close. They put a small blanket on top the baby. "You did it, my love. You did so good. She's so beautiful." I looked at the both of them. She looked at me with a huge smile on her face. "Thank you for everything baby. I'm so glad that you are here with me." She said in a very tired voice.

They took our baby away to clean her properly and do some test. They came back with her wrapped in a blanket. "Dad, do you wanna hold your daughter?" I looked at Astrid and she nodded while giving me a smile. I nodded and they gave her to me.

I looked at her closely and she looks so much like Astrid. I have fallen in love with her already. Astrid gave the nurse her phone and the nurse took a picture of me with the baby. "Okay dad. Go to mom for a family photo." I nodded and walked over to Astrid's side, giving the baby to her to hold for the photo.

The nurse took the photo and smiled, giving back the phone. "So what's your baby's name?" Both of us looked at each other and back to the nurse, smiling.

"Raelynn. Raelynn Paige Clifford." Astrid said with a huge smile on her face.

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