Dreaming of you

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{This chapter is inspired by the song "Dreaming of you" by Cigarettes after sex}


I woke up today feeling happy. Astrid was in my dreams. I remember looking at her from afar. She lights up the whole stadium. Wishing to wake up next to her. Longing for her touch again. Seeing her blush whenever she's near me. Remembering that this actually happened and it made me smile even more.

I got up from the bed and started to get ready as I had to practice with Ashton, Calum, and Luke. I did my morning duties and rushed to the lobby as that is where we agreed to meet. As I reached the lobby, I noticed Ashton looking at me funny.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked Ash as he just chuckled. "Mate, you are smailing and have been smiling since yesterday." He said and and I just smile even more. Calum looks at me in a bit of a conerning way while Luke is just minding his own business. "It's nothing. Let's go grab something to eat first, I'm starving." I said and all of them agreed.

When we finished eating, we immediately went to practice. Calum has been acting really weird around me ever since he noticed me staring at Astrid. It's not like I'm really doing anything wrong but I should break up with Crystal since my feelings for Astrid is progessing. Don't get me wrong, I do feel bad. I just can't help how I feel.

I snapped out of my daydream when Luke tried getting my attention by throwing guitar picks at me. "Mate, what's been up with you? You have been dozing off lately. Is there something that you are hiding from us?" Luke asked. Great now everyone is staring at me. I sighed and looked at them. This is now or never. "Okay. Guys I don't really know how to say this." I sighed again.

"I'm falling for Astrid. I don't know when it happend or why it happened but when seeing her from afar, holding her, the way she smiles, the way she plays her bass, the wa-" I get cut off by Ashton laughing. "Is this the whole reason you have been smiling?" he asked and I'm sitting here really confused. "I guess you can say that." I said and Ashton nodded.

"Well if you want get with Astrid then you have to break up with Crystal first." he said while Luke nodded. "Yeah dude. But also be careful because of the fans knowing, it's not gonna go well for us." Luke said with me nodding now. Now I kinda have too. Well this is gonna be something.

After practice, all of us went back to the hotel room. I'm pretty nervous now. Actually, really nervous to the point that it's already night time. I groaned and looked at my phone. "Man what the hell. it's already 11 pm. Great. Now I have to do it now." I said to myself and sighed.

I skimmed through my contacts and saw her name. I sighed even louder and pressed on her name then the call icon. It started ringing and at this point I'm basically shitting myslef. Man this really sucks.

"Hello? Michael? What's up?" Crystal asked on the other line and now I'm for real shitting myself. "Hey Crystal. how are you doing?" I asked, my voice cracking a little. "I'm good but are you okay?" she then asked. Yup. I hate this.

"Yeah I'm okay but I need to tell you something." I said but she immediately sighed and then asked, "Are you breaking up with me?" I sighed and mentally face palmed myself. "I'm so sorry." I started but then I started to hear sobs on the other line. "I don't want to hear it, Michael. Goodbye" she said then hung up.

Well that was something. I feel really bad but I immediately got up and rushed to the tour bus. (they are only staying there temporarily) As I got there, I knocked on the door. I heard someone walking but the person who opened it wasn't the person I was looking for. Blair chuckled when she saw me pouting and slightly disappointed.

"Awe, am I not the person you are looking for?" She teased and I just nodded. "Well she's at the diner with Skye and Calum. Be quick before she leaves!" She laughs as I started booking it after she finished her sentence. Wow am I this into her? I would never act like this with anyone.

As I reached the diner, the first thing I saw was her. So beautiful. I walked in and rushed towards her. She saw me and smiled. "Hey Michael! we were ju-" I smashed my lips against her. I can tell that she wasn't expecting that. I pulled away from the kiss and leaned my forehead against her's, closing my eyes. "I've been Dreaming of you, Astrid Sinclair."

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