I heard some clanking below us and I quickly put a finger over my mouth to tell Ren to stay quiet. We sat in silence for a while and I started to think maybe it was just the wind pushing a door open. Then someone flipped on the lights to a more secluded area of the warehouse. This part was far enough away that I couldn't clearly make out who the person was. All I knew was that it was a woman with light brown hair. Then another person walked up, a man this time, carrying something under his arm.

"I hope you brought them," the woman spoke, her voice faint and clipped.

"Of course I did," the man scoffed, "but that won't make a difference if she's not ready."

"I told you not to base your job off of that. She'll be ready, but it's just not time yet. We don't have enough sources in Copell and the designated kingdoms to put the plan in motion. If we keep going at this pace, the plan can be fully enacted in about two years."

"Two years!" the man exclaimed angrily. "I've been waiting fifteen years to even get my hands on this rebellion and now you're saying I have to wait another two at least?"

"If you want to stay apart of this committee I suggest you stick with the plan and keep your mouth shut. You've seen how hurried plans end and it's not good. Now, two years isn't going to kill you unless you take a wrong step. Then I can arrange for that to happen," she snapped. I could feel the ice seeping from her stare to where Ren and I were sitting.

"Okay," he begrudgingly said.

He handed over the package under his arm and shook hands with the woman.

It looked like she said something else to him, but I couldn't hear, even with how the walls echoed.

They took their leave and Ren and I sat in silence for a while longer until I could be sure they were gone.

"Well, I'm pretty sure we are in the right place," I said, with a laugh that only earned me a glare from Ren.

"That's all you have to say. After everything we we heard and you say 'we're in the right place'." She rolled her eyes and stood up, dusting off the invisible dust from her dress.

"I just thought I'd make the situation a little lighter," I shrugged, standing up.

"What goes through your mind and tells you the things you say are okay? Because I have no idea why you would even think to say the things you do. Wait, I just found my answer. You don't think," she smirked, turning her back to me and walking to the exit.

"Ouch. I thought we made an agreement to be nicer to each other, back in the gazebo," I joked, holding open the door for her to walk through.

"Well you haven't held up your part so why should I hold up mine," she retorted.

"Fine. We can renew our commitment to each other-"

"Don't say it like that."

"-as long as you tell me everything you gathered from their conversation," I pointed behind us to where the newly found rebels were previously standing.

She stopped outside of the door and looked at me.

"Were you not just sitting in the same spot as I was?"

"Yeah," I sighed, leading her down the back staircase. "But I want another perspective on what just happened. Chances are we probably picked up different pieces of their conversation and I want to make sure I cover all bases."

She stopped walking again, standing on the staircase as we only made it halfway down. Honestly, couldn't she just follow me out of this place so we weren't kidnapped and held for ransom.

"So are you saying you need my help," she smirked, putting her hands on her hips.

Oh no. What did I just do?

"Yes, Princess, I need your help," I groaned, giving her an exasperated look.

"Well then I'd love to tell you what I know," she smiled, patting my head as she walked past me.

What was up with this girl?

"So these people are part of a rebellion which won't be put into effect until at least two years from now-"

"But some of it is already going on right now," I interrupted.

"Why would you say that?"

"The woman, she talked about not having enough...sources, I think was the word, in the right countries. Obviously, if they're putting people into countries to be spies or something like that, then this has been and will continue to go on. But she mentioned nothing of the attacks on innocent civilians," I finished, finally loosing myself time to think out loud.

"Surely she would know," Princess Ren frowned, "She seemed to be in some kind of higher position in this rebellion so I'm sure she's heard what's going on. She probably just didn't feel the need to talks about it."

"And the man? What did you think of him?"

She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it and thought for a moment. She stopped right before we rounded the corner that led to the secret tunnel.

"I think he's a lot like you; in control of his power, but still seeking balance to his life. He needs something to even out his scale." She looked at me and I was too dumbstruck to do anything, but smile.

Even though I wasn't really sure what she meant (was she trying to tell me something through the secret language girls use?), I understood her completely. Or maybe it was just the conviction on her face that made me trust her.

I may never know.


I finally did a full chapter through Beckham's POV. Yay. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to upload this chapter. I've had time to write I just wasn't really sure how to write this one. I'm still not 100% satisfied with it, but it will do for now.


Modern PrincessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora