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Great! Just what Alya needed. A perfect opportunity for her to completely cover Marinette with the 'thing' that happened in class.

School ended and students were waiting for their parents to come get them. Just as Marinette was about to walk home, Alya burst right infront of her and squealed loudly.

"What is up with you, Alya?!" gasped Marinette as she leapt away in shock.

"O.M.G. I can't believe you both actually did that!!" giggled Alya. "You guys were so extremely cute!!"

Marinette blushed as she knew what her best friend was talking about.

"W-what are you talking about? There's nothing between us." said Marinette.

"But I didn't even tell you what I was talking about. Huh? Huh?" teased Alya.

"Uhh... Can I just say that it was a... coincidence?"

"There is NOTHING that connects with coincidences."

"I swear, everything is fine. Besides, I-" Marinette was cut off.

"Marinette, could you please come with me? Miss Bustier wants to see the both of us." said Felix as he walked up to her.

"Uh... sure! Hehe..." laughed Marinette as she walked away slowly.

"Can I come too?" asked Alya as her eyes sparkled.

"Oh, yes. She also said no other people will be allowed in the classroom." added Felix.

"Aww... Danggit!" pouted Alya as the two walked away.

Marinette and Felix hid behind the walls of the school until Alya finally went home.

"This is absurd." sighed Felix as he brushed his hands against his hair.

Shoot! Why was she blushing? Marinette thought to herself. She liked the way he did that? And she finally realised she liked Felix. Great! This is just amazing.

"Uhm... You can go back home now." said Felix.

"Oh! Uhh... yeah. But how are you gonna get home?" asked Marinette.

"I'm walking. I told Adrien not to wait for me. I'll... see you tomorrow, then?"

"Yeah... see you."

Just then, rain poured from the sky, preventing them from walking back home.

"WHAT?! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!" yelled Marinette grumpily.

"Great. It seems like it will rain for quite a long time. Probably until it's night."


Suddenly, the rain somehow heard her and splashed Marinette. 

Marinette yelled and Felix began to laugh so hard. It was the first time she'd seen Felix laugh, and her heart skipped a beat as joy sprung over Felix. But the atmosphere changed as soon as Marinette glared at him.

"What're you laughing at?" questioned Marinette while being soaked in rainwater.

"Ahm... Nothing, really!" replied Felix as he continued to giggle.

"You wanna laugh, huh? Oh, I'll make sure you laugh so hard, you'll eventually..." before she could finish her sentence, she threw Felix in the rain, getting wet too.

"Hey! What's the deal?" yelled Felix.

"Oh, come on! It's just rain~ You won't die from it!"

Felix scoffed and ran back in the building with Marinette behind him.

"Oh, wasn't it fun? Bet you never tried playing in the rain before~" smiled Marinette as she skipped around.

"Indeed, it was my first time. And since I'm wet, you'll have to clean me up." smirked Felix.

What was that? gasped Marinette in her head. Did he just flirt with her?

"W-what do you mean by that?" asked Marinette.

"Nothing." replied Felix.

The pair sat down as the rain mosturized the ground. They chatted as they waited for the rain to end. Marinette texted her mother and told her she will be staying at Alya's house tonight since it's raining. But in reality, she had to stay at school for the night.

It was getting pretty late and it was still raining heavily.

"Tomorrow is a school day... How are we gonna attend school?" worried Marinette.

"If you and I can get home by time, we'll make it to school after we get dressed." replied Felix.

"Hum... sure..." said Marinette as she dozed off.

Marinette leaned onto Felix's shoulder and slept. Sure, it was a tough night. Just after a few minutes, Felix closed his eyes and wandered away to sleep.


Hereee! Wait for next chapter, guys. It shouldn't be long. I hope-

Story By: ·Mythic_Moth·

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