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After a while, the school bell rang and everyone went back to class. Adrien walked up to his seat and sat down. Nino was curious about what Adrien was thinking about.

"Yo, dude. What's up?" asked Nino. "What you thinkin' about?"

"Nothing, Alya and Chloe told me how Marinette woke up so suddenly just now." replied Adrien.


"So... what?"

"What exactly happened that day?"

"Well, they told me Felix kissed Marinette on the forehead."

"KISSED MARINETTE ON THE-" Nino was cut off.

"SHHHHH." hushed Adrien.

"Is there a problem, Nino?" asked Miss bustier.

"N-nothing! I was just uhm... testing my vocals! Everything is fine, Miss Bustier." smiled Nino awkwardly.

"Then let's continue..." said Miss Bustier as she started teaching again.

"That was close, Nino." said Adrien.

"Yeah, dude! I almost spilled the beans!"

"So glad I stopped you."

"But dang... why did Felix kiss her on the forehead though? Oh... wait... I think I remember something about a truth or dare that Alya told me. I asked her about it before but she never answered."

"Truth or dare? Felix never plays these kind of games though... Chloe must've made a deal with him, right? She's the mayor's daughter, she has everything."

"That's true... but what was the thing that Chloe gave to Felix, making him accept the deal?"

"No idea. I don't know how I feel about felix and Marinette though..."

"You mean Felinette?"


"Oh it's a ship name. You and Marinette's ship name is Adrienette, right? So why not give Felix and Marinette a ship name?"

"But... why?"

"Oh~ Blondie is jealous, huh?"

"Just tell me Nino."

"Okay, okay. Ahem... So after you left, Felix and Marinette has gotten pretty close lately."

"Yeah, I can tell."

"So Alya thought they looked cute, then she gave them a ship name. And... that's practically it."

"Oh... okay then. Thanks for the information."

"No problemo~"

School ended and everyone went home. Adrien got into his car and Felix was already there. The driver was driving them home when Adrien striked up a conversation.

"So... How did Marinette wake up? Nino told me the doctor said she could be unconcious for at least three days." asked Adrien, even though he knew.

"I have no idea. I just kissed her on the forehead and that was it." replied Felix.

Adrien was shocked when he heard what Felix said. He thought Felix would make up an excuse.

"Oh. That's interesting." said Adrien.

"What? You like her?" asked Felix.


"Yeah. Whatever."

After a while, the driver dropped them back at the mansion.

In The Agreste's Mansion

Adrien took a shower and wanted to check on Felix. Maybe he just wants to bond with his cousin, they live under the same roof after all.

Adrien slowly opened the door of his cousin's room, he was impressed when he saw him. Felix was playing the piano.

"Are you playing... Gaspard de la Nuit?" asked Adrien in shock. "That's literally the hardest piano song ever made!"

"Yes. And why are you here?" questioned Felix, ending the song.

"Well... I just wanted to check on you. I never knew you could play the piano. I mean, if you did, I would never expect you to play Gaspard de la Nuit."

"There's always surprises in life."

"Maybe we could play together someday!"

"Sure. Whatever." replied Felix while he took out his phone.

"Who are you calling?" asked Adrien.

"Marinette. Why?"

"Oh, nothing. Just wondering. But... could you turn on speaker mode?"

"Of course. There aren't anything to hide anyways."

Felix dialed Marinette and she picked up the phone.

"Hey, Felix! What's up? " asked Marinette.

"When am I arriving at your house tonight?" replied Felix.

"Oh! Right, I haven't told you that yet... Maybe... 8? "


"Hey, Marinette!" greeted Adrien. "Can I come too? It's pretty boring."

"Oh, hey Adrien! Of course you can come over. But will your dad allow you, though? " asked Marinette.

"He lets me go anywhere I want if Felix is with me. So there'll be no problem!" replied Adrien.

"Sure, then! Meet you both at 8! " said Marinette. "See you later! "

Felix ended the call and looked at Adrien in the eyes.

"Why did you do that?" asked Felix.

"Why can't I? I'm her friend too." replied Adrien.

"Not that. I meant why did you interrupt me when I was playing my piano? Didn't you hear the piano music before you came in? Are you deaf?"

"Ohh... You mean that... Haha, I don't know. I couldn't hear a thing when I was outside."

"Then that explains why my mother always comes in without knowing that I was playing my piano. How foolish I was to not think about this earlier."

"Uhm... Okay..? Anyways,  I'm gonna... just go uhm... back to my room. I haven't finish my homework yet."

"Close the door-"


"Ughh... Why is he always like this..."


Yes. No comment from me, honestly. :I

Story By: ·Mythic_Moth·

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